Dominique JAULT

I am working to improve the knowledge of Earth’s core dynamics. To this end, I am conducting researches about the Earth’s magnetic field and its temporal variations. My work benefits from analyses of magnetic data that are presently collected from the 3 low orbiting satellites of the ESA’s Swarm constellation. It presently consists in:

  • inference of mantle electrical conductivity from the investigation of Earth’s core dynamics
  • detection of wave-like motions in the liquid core and investigation of their propagation
  • development of a reduced "quasi-geostrophic" model of the fast dynamics within the Earth’s core

These works are supported by CNES, ESA (Swarm+4D Deep Earth: core project) and ERC (

I supervise the thesis of Thea Lepage (co-supervisor Nicolas Gillet) about the electrical conductivity of the lowermost mantle.

My Google Scholar profile.
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Selected publications

– Schwaiger T., Gillet N., Jault D., Istas M., Mandea M., Wave-like motions and torques in Earth’s core as inferred from geomagnetic data : a synthetic study, Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 346, (…)

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Synergistic activities

Co Editor-in-chief ’Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors’ Member of the scientific council, ’Bureau Central du Magnétisme terrestre’, Paris

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Biographical sketch

Dominique Jault has been a CNRS research associate, and then senior researcher since 1991. He worked at IPGP (Institut de Physique du Globe, Paris) up to 1997, then moved, together with H.-C. (…)

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