Séminaire ISTerre

From late-Neogene mountain topographic evolution to Quaternary glaciation: insights from (sub-)surface geomorphology in the western European Alps

jeudi 4 juillet 2024 - 11h00
Séminaire Interne: Pierre Valla - ISTerre, equipe Tectonique, Reliefs, Bassins
The Earth’s surface dynamics, i.e. surface processes and topographic evolution, reflects the interplay and feedbacks between endogenic and exogenic forcing. Quantifying this dynamics is key to assess the relative contributions of these forcing over time, especially in mountain belts where tectonics and climate-driven processes interact over different spatial and temporal scales. In addition, mountain topographic evolution is a major conditioning factor for biodiversity and long-term alpine vegetation dynamics. The western European Alps is a perfect playground to address these scientific questions from a geomorphological viewpoint. In this presentation, we will review some recent/ongoing work on (sub-)surface geomorphology to illustrate (1) the late-Neogene topographic evolution of the western Alps, and (2) their late-stage erosion and paleo-environmental history during Quaternary glaciation. We will focus on the subalpine massifs (Vercors and Devoluy) and investigate karstic sediment archives to quantify the Alpine late-Neogene exhumation and uplift history. Then, the Quaternary erosion dynamics will be assessed through surface geomorphic archives around different study sites (Drac and Grésivaudan valleys, Valle d’Aosta...) evidencing the impact of glacial/interglacial oscillations on Alpine landscape evolution.

Equipe organisatrice : Organisation labo

Amphithéâtre Killian, Maison des Géosciences, 38400 Saint Martin d'Hères

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