Physicienne des Observatoires - Full Professor

My research is dedicated to a better understanding of fault processes at various phases of their seismic cycle. I mainly use space geodesy (GPS and InSAR) to monitor the ground deformation and the space / time variations of the earth’s surface deformation. The surface deformation is generated by deeper processes affecting buried faults or magma pockets, and can therefore give us precious insigths on the stress build-up on the faults, the seismic rupture or the post-seismic relaxation.
These last years, I have been mostly involved in projects dealing with subduction’s seismogenic zone processes (in the Andes, in Japan or in Indonesia) or in projects aiming at deciphering rifting processes (in Afar, Ethiopia and Djibouti). I am however interested in in any kind of transient fault processes, including strike-slip faults, or large scale lithospheric deformation.
I have been the PI of the ANR project AtypicSSE (2017-2022), and am currently the PI of the ERC Consolidator Grant DEEPtrigger (

As part of my observation duty, I am also strongly involved in EPOS (European Plate Observing System). I am responsible of the coordination of the ’GNSS Products’ and am in charge of the EPOS GNSS processing center hosted at CNRS-OSUG.


74- Bénédicte Donniol Jouve , Anne Socquet, Céline Beauval, Jesús Piña Valdès, and Laurentiu Danciu, Consistency between the Strain Rate Model and ESHM20 Earthquake Rate Forecast in Europe : insights for seismic hazard, egusphere-2024-787, NHESS, submitted
73- Münchmeyer, J., Giffard-Roisin, S., Malfante, M., Frank, W., Poli, P., Marsan, D., & Socquet, A.. Deep learning detects uncataloged low-frequency earthquakes across regions. arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.13971, seismica, (…)

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SOCQUET, Anne French Citizen, married, 3 children (2006, 2008, 2014) Professor at Univ. Grenoble Alpes - Observatoire des Sciences de l’Univers de Grenoble, France
PUBLICATIONS ResearcherID : A-5698-2011 ORCID : 0000-0002-9208-7136
RESEARCH INTERESTS Space geodesy (InSAR + GPS) applied to seismotectonics and faults behavior during the earthquake cycle.
EDUCATION 2015 Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Univ. Grenoble (…)

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Missions de Terrain

GPS field work 2012, 2013, 2015, 2017 South Peru 2009, 2012 Afar, Ethiopia 2008, 2010, 2012 GPS campaigns in north Chile 2011 GPS campaign in north chico area, CHile 2010 Post Maule earthquake intervention (Mw 8.8, Central Chile) : GPS campaign + installation of 10 additional cGPS stations 2007-2011 in charge of cGPS network in north Chile 2007 Coordination of Post-Tocopilla earthquake intervention (Mw 7.7, north CHile) : GPS campaign + installation of 3 additional cGPS stations 2003, 2010 (…)

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