Dominique JAULT

I am working to improve the knowledge of Earth’s core dynamics. To this end, I am conducting researches about the Earth’s magnetic field and its temporal variations. My work benefits from analyses of magnetic data that are presently collected from the 3 low orbiting satellites of the ESA’s Swarm constellation. It presently consists in:

  • inference of mantle electrical conductivity from the investigation of Earth’s core dynamics
  • detection of wave-like motions in the liquid core and investigation of their propagation
  • development of a reduced "quasi-geostrophic" model of the fast dynamics within the Earth’s core

These works are supported by CNES, ESA (Swarm+4D Deep Earth: core project) and ERC (

I supervise the thesis of Thea Lepage (co-supervisor Nicolas Gillet) about the electrical conductivity of the lowermost mantle.

My Google Scholar profile.
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Selected publications

– Schwaiger T., Gillet N., Jault D., Istas M., Mandea M., Wave-like motions and torques in Earth’s core as inferred from geomagnetic data : a synthetic study, Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 346, 107104, 2024. Firsov I., Jault D., Gillet N., Aubert J., Mandea M., Radial shear in the flow at the Earth’s core surface, Geophys. J. Int., 235, 2524-2539, 2023. Finlay C., Gillet N., Aubert J., Livermore Ph., Jault D., Gyres, jets and waves in Earth’s core, Nat Rev Earth & Environ, 2023. Schwaiger (…)

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Comprehensive list of publications (linked to journal archives)

I am thankful to the publishers (AGU Journals, Cambridge University Press, American Physical Society, Oxford University Press) who permit the posting of published journal articles. Clicking on the journal name gives access to the article via the editor’s web site. Hal is the open access archive maintained by CNRS and other French institutions.
See my citations from Google Scholar. See also my ORCID record :
Verified Reviewer : Publons
From 2016 (…)

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Synergistic activities

Co Editor-in-chief ’Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors’ Member of the scientific council, ’Bureau Central du Magnétisme terrestre’, Paris

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Biographical sketch

Dominique Jault has been a CNRS research associate, and then senior researcher since 1991. He worked at IPGP (Institut de Physique du Globe, Paris) up to 1997, then moved, together with H.-C. Nataf and Ph. Cardin, to LGIT (Laboratoire de Géophysique Interne et Tectonophysique, now merged into ISTerre) at the University Joseph-Fourier of Grenoble (now merged into University Grenoble Alpes). He was head of LGIT from 06/2002 to 12/2006. He has spent one year at the Department of Mathematics of (…)

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