
Posted here are a few pieces of software resolving situation encountered in physical volcanology. Some of them are quite user-friendly while others can be described as scientific codes in the sense that the user controls few options, the output format is unique, and no checks are done on the input values.

Happy downloading!

Magma chamber reawakening

Unzipping software - Windows (XP,Vista,7)

Unzip calculates how fast a magma chamber filled with crystal-rich magma (mush) that is reheated from below can be remobilized by convection. Theory, use, and limitations of Unzip are described in Burgisser and Bergantz (2011). After downloading the compiled software, rename it from .bin to .exe to execute and read the user manual.

User Manual
Unzip software

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic License.

Volcanic gas chemistry

D-Compress software v. 1.2 - Windows (XP,Vista,7,10)

D-Compress calculates volatile species partition in magmas (gas and melt volatile composition as a function of pressure and temperature) of five volatile systems (O-H, S-O-H, C-S-O-H, C-S-O-H-Fe, and C-O-H). Theory, use, and limitations of D-Compress are described in Burgisser et al. (2015). After downloading the compiled software, rename it from .bin to .exe to execute and read the user manual.

User Manual
D-Compress software
Test files

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic License.

Bubble growth in magmas

B-Growth software v. 1.2 - Windows (XP,Vista,7,10)

B-Growth calculates the evolution in time of a monodisperse population of gas bubbles in a magma undergoing a constant decompression. Theory, use, and limitations of B-Growth are described in Mancini et al. (2016) and Forestier Coste et al. (2012). After downloading the compiled software here, decompress it to execute. Decompress (unzip) the two files B-Growth-lib into the same directory as B-Growth.exe. Read the user manual.

Source code
Test files
User manual

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic License.

Vulcanian pumice localization

Spreadsheet - Excel 2010

These Excel spreadsheets calculate the pre-explosive pressure and porosity of pumice expelled by a Vulcanian eruption. Theory, use, and limitations are described in Burgisser et al. (2010) and Drignon et al (2016). After downloading the files, rename them from .bin to .xlsm, open them with Excel, and enable the macros. Update 2018: Initial P set at 10 MPa to ease/accelerate the model convergence.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic License.