Ingénieure de Recherche CNRS,
Chimie analytique.

Plateforme Géochimie-Minéralogie, ISTerre,
Equipe Géochimie,
Membre de la commission recherche/observation Labex, Observatoire des Sciences de l’Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),


Geochemistry-Mineralogy platform, Geochemistry team, Member of the research/observation committee Labex for analytical platforms, Observatoire des Sciences de l’Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),
Phone : 33-476 635 187 (office) Phone : 33-633-202-788 (personal) Email : Birth date : 19/04/1976
Labmanagement of geochemistry laboratories (20 regular users PhDs, (…)

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I work in projects that focus (1) on a toxic metal (Cd) in organic matrix and (2) on natural water monitoring in a cross-disciplinary approach. The interest of (1) is to understand, on natural samples, the distribution and the correlation of Cd with other metals and organic molecules, with the ultimate aim of helping to limit contamination. In (2), natural water monitoring, implying a set of geochemical parameters, provides data that can support mineralogical or geophysical processes. For (…)

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All publications in peer reviewed journals. 2024
Audrey TAILLEFER, Laurent TRUCHE, Laurence AUDIN, Frederic DONZE, Delphine Tisserand, Simona DENTI, Nelida MANRIQUE LLERENA, Pablo Jorge MASÍAS ALVAREZ, Régis BRAUCHER, Swann ZERATHE, Christophe MONNIN, Hugo DUTOIT, Edu TAIPE MAQUERHUA, Fredy Erlingtton APAZA CHOQUEHUAYTA. 2023. Characterization of Southern Peru hydrothermal systems : New perspectives for geothermal exploration along the the Andean forearc. Submitted to G-Cubed.
Hugo (…)

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Oral (O) and Posters (P)
2023 (O) Taillefer, A., Truche, L., Audin, L., Denti, S., Donze, F., Tisserand, D., Findling, N., Guillou-Frottier, L., Masías Alvarez, P. J., Manrique Lllerena, N., and Zerathe, S. : "Characterization of the geothermal anomaly associated with the pre-andean reverse fault of Calientes, South of Peru : a multi-disciplinary approach." , EGU General Assembly 2023, 24–28 Apr 2023, Vienna, Austria. Oral communication. EGU23-9522, (…)

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Field pictures

Lake Pavin (Massif Central, France) (2015-2018), coll. IPGP (Paris)

Vietnam (2015), coll. EPFL (Lausanne) and HCMUT (Vietnam)
Cambodia (2010)
Nepal (2007)
French Guiana (2005)

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