
— Practical works in volcanology, Master 1 of University Grenoble-Alpes

TD 1 : Magma transportation (French version)

TD 2 : Plumes and gas bubble dilatation (from C. Jaupart, French version)

 Courses of Physical Volcanology Master-Institut Teknologi Bandung (2012) (ITB), Indonésie

Cours 1 : Volcano deformations : measurements and interpretation through modeling

Cours 2 : Remote sensing : An efficient tool for volcanoes monitoring

 Training on SAR, CVGHM Indonesia (2017)

Training 1 : Principles of remote sensing based on SAR data : data access, processing tools

Training 2 Part1,Training 2 Part2 : Application of SAR data for natural hazard studies

 Co-leader of the Projet Structurant de Formation TelRisNat(2023-2026)