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Marcoux, J., Baud, A., Ricou, L. E., Gaetani, M., Krystyn, L., Bellion, Y., Guiraud, R., Moreau, C., Besse, J., Gallet, Y., Jaillard, É. & Theveniaut, H. (1993). Late Anisian (237-234 Ma), Explanatory notes, 21-34. in : J. Dercourt, L. E. Ricou & B. Vrielynck (eds), Atlas Tethys Palaeoenvironmental maps. Gauthier-Villars, Paris.

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Jaillard, É., Ordoñez, M., Benítez, S., Berrones, G., Jiménez, N., Montenegro, G. & Zambrano, I. (1995). Basin development in an accretionary, oceanic-floored forearc setting : Southern coastal Ecuador during Late Cretaceous to Late Eocene times. in : Petroleum Basins of South America, A.J. Tankard, R. Suárez & H.J. Welsink, eds., Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Memoir, 62, 615-631. PDF

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Robert, E., Bulot, L.G., Dhondt, A., Jaillard, É., Villagómez, R., Rivadeneira, M. & Paz, M. (1998). La transgresión del Cretáceo inferior en el margen andino (Perú y Ecuador) : datos preliminares. Boletin de la Sociedad geológica del Perú, 88, 73-86, Lima. PDF

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Dhondt, A.V., Malchus, N., Boumaza, L. & Jaillard, É. (1999). Cretaceous oysters from North Africa ; origin and distribution. Bull. Soc. Géol. France, 170, 67-76. PDF

Jaillard, É. (1999). The Late Cretaceous-Eocene sedimentation in the internal Briançonnais units of Vanoise (French Alps), witnesses of early alpine tectonic events. Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae, 92, 211-220. PDF

Jaillard, É., Laubacher, G., Bengtson, P., Dhondt, A. & Bulot, L. (1999). Stratigraphy and evolution of the forearc “Celica-Lancones Basin” of Southwestern Ecuador. J. South Amer. Earth Sci., 12, 51-68. PDF

Pécora, L., Jaillard, É. & Lapierre, H. (1999). Accrétion paléogène et décrochement dextre d’un terrain océanique dans le Nord du Pérou. C. R. Acad. Sciences, Paris, Earth Planet. Sci., 329, 389-396. PDF

Reynaud, C., Jaillard, É., Lapierre, H., Mamberti, M. & Mascle, G.H. (1999). Oceanic plateau and island arcs of southwestern Ecuador : their place in the geodynamic evolution of northwestern South America. Tectonophysics, 307, 235-254. PDF

Jacay, J., Jaillard, É., Marocco, R. & Mascle, G. (2000). Evolución tectono-sedimentaria de la margen andina : El Cretáceo superior de los Andes del Perú central y septentrional. Boletin de la Sociedad geológica del Perú, 90, 43-68, Lima.

Jaillard, É., Hérail, G., Monfret, T., Díaz-Martínez, E., Baby, P., Lavenu, A. & Dumont, J. F. (2000). Tectonic evolution of the Andes of Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and northernmost Chile. in : Tectonic evolution of South America, Cordani, U.G., et al., Eds., 481-559, Publ. 31st Int. Geol. Cong., Río de Janeiro. PDF

Lapierre, H., Bosch, D., Dupuis, V., Polvé, M., Maury, R.C., Hernandez, J., Monié, P., Yéghicheyan, D., Jaillard, É., Tardy, M., Mercier de Lépinay, B., Mamberti, M., Desmet, A., Keller, F. & Sénebier, F. (2000). Multiple Plume Events in the genesis of the peri-Caribbean Creta¬ceous Oceanic Plateau Province. J. Geophys. Research, 105, 8403-8421. PDF

Guillier, B., Chatelain, J. L., Jaillard, É., Yepes, H., Poupinet, G. & Fels, J. F. (2001). Evidence for present-day reactivations of Mesozoic-Paleogene sutures in Northern Ecuador (South America). Geophys. Research Lett., 28, 3749-3752. PDF

Bosch, D., Gabriele, P., Lapierre, H., Malfere, J.L. & Jaillard, É. (2002). Geodynamic significance of the Raspas Metamorphic Complex (SW Ecuador) : geochemical and isotopic constraints. Tectonophysics, 345, 83-102. PDF

Jaillard, É., Hérail, G., Monfret, T. & Wörner, G. (2002). Andean geodynamics : Main issues and contributions from the 4th ISAG, Göttingen. Tectonophysics, 345, 1-15. PDF

Robert, E., Bulot, L.G., Jaillard, É. & Peybernès, B. (2002). Biozonation par ammonites de l’Albien inférieur et moyen basal dans le Bassin Andin (Nord Pérou). Comptes Rendus Palevol, 1, 1-9, Paris. PDF

Gabriele, P., Ballèvre, M., Jaillard, É., Hernandez, J. (2003). Garnet-chloritoid-kyanite metapelites from the Raspas Complex (SW Ecuador) : a key eclogite-facies assemblage. European Journal of Mineralogy, 15, 977-989. PDF

Mamberti, M., Lapierre, H., Bosch, D., Ethien, R., Jaillard, É., Hernandez, J., Polvé, M. (2003). Ac-creted fragments of the Late Cretaceous Caribbean-Colombian Plateau in Ecuador. Lithos, 66, 173-199. PDF

Philippe, M., Cuny, G., Bamford, M., Jaillard, E., Barale, G., Gomez, B., Ouaja, M., Thévenard, F., Thiebaud, M. & von Sengbusch, P. (2003). The paleoxylological record of Metapodocarpoxylon libanoticum (Edwards) Dupéron-Laudoueneix et Pons and the Gondwana Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous continental biogeography. Journal of Biogeography, 30, 389-400. PDF

Dhondt, A.V., Walaszczyk, I., Tchegliakova, N. & Jaillard, E. (2004). What is Inoceramus peruanus Brüggen, 1910 ? Acta Geologica Polonica, 54, 535-539. PDF

Dommergues, J.-L., Meister, C. & Jaillard, E. (2004). Ammonites de la formation Santiago de la zone subandine du SE de l’Équateur (Jurassique inférieur, Sinémurien). Revue de Paléobiologie, Genève, 23, 355-371. PDF

Jaillard, E., Ordoñez, M., Suárez, J., Toro, J., Iza, D., Lugo, W. (2004). Stratigraphy of the Late Cretaceous-Paleogene Deposits of the Western Cordillera of Central Ecuador : Geodynamic implications. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 17, 49-58. PDF

Jaillard, É., Bengtson, P. (2004). Palaeontology and stratigraphy of south America. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 17, 1-2. PDF

Mamberti, M., Lapierre, H., Bosch, D., Jaillard, É., Hernandez, J., Polvé, M. (2004). The Early Cretaceous San Juan plutonic suite, Ecuador : a magma chamber in an Oceanic Plateau. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 41, 1237-1258. PDF

Philip, J. & Jaillard, E. (2004). Revision of the Upper Cretaceous rudists from Northwestern Peru. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 17, 39-48. PDF

Taipe, E., Jaillard, E. & Jacay, J. (2004). Estratigrafia y evolución sedimentológica de la serie del Cretáceo superior de la Península de Paita. Boletin de la Sociedad Geológica del Perú, 97, 7-27.

Beaudon, E., Martelat, J.-E., Lapierre, H., Jaillard, E. (2005). Métabasites de la Cordillère Occidentale d’Équateur : témoins du soubassement océanique des Andes d’Équateur. C. R. Géoscience, 337, 625-634. PDF

Bulot, L.G., Kennedy, W.J., Jaillard, E. & Robert, E. (2005). Late Middle - early Late Albian ammonites from Ecuador. Cretaceous Research, 26, 450-459. PDF

Carlotto, V., Carlier, G., Jaillard, E., Cárdenas, J., Cerpa, L., Flores, T. & Latorre, O. (2005). Las cuencas terciarias sinorogénicas en el Altiplano y en la Cordillera Occidental. Sociedad geológica del Perú, Vol. Espec. 6, Homenaje A. Giesecke M., 103-126, Lima.

Dhondt, A., Jaillard, É. (2005). Cretaceous Bivalves from Ecuador and Northern Peru. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 19, 325-342. PDF

Jaillard, É., Bengtson, P. & Dhondt, A. (2005). Late Cretaceous marine transgressions in Ecuador and northern Peru : a refined stratigraphic framework. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 19, 307-323. PDF

Toro, J., Jaillard, E. (2005). Provenance of the Upper Cretaceous to Upper Eocene clastic sediments of the Western Cordillera of Ecuador : Tectonic and geodynamic implications. Tectonophysics, 399, 279-292. PDF

Aguirre-Urreta, M.B., Mourgues, F.A., Rawson, P.F., Bulot, L.G., Jaillard, E. (2007). The Lower Cretaceous Chañarcillo and Neuquén basins : ammonoid biostratigraphy and correlations. Geological Journal, 42, 143-173. PDF

Allibon, J., Monjoie, P., Lapierre H., Jaillard, E., Bussy, F., Bosch, D. (2008). The contribution of the young Cretaceous Caribbean Oceanic plateau to the genesis of late Cretaceous arc magmatism in the Cordillera Occidental of Ecuador. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 26, 355-368. PDF

Jaillard, É., Bengtson, P., Ordoñez, M., Vaca, W., Dhondt, A., Suárez, J., Toro, J. (2008). Sedimentary record of terminal Cretaceous accretions in Ecuador : The Yunguilla Group in the Cuenca area. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 25, 133-144. PDF

Vanmelle, J., Vilema, W., Faure-Brac, B., Ordoñez, M., Lapierre, H., Jiménez, N., Jaillard, E., García, M. (2008). Pre-accretion evolution of the Piñón oceanic terrane of SW Ecuador : Stratigraphy and geochemistry of the « Calentura Formation ». Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, 179, 433-444. PDF

Carlotto, N., Rodríguez, R., Acosta, H., Cárdenas, J., Jaillard, E. (2009). Alto estructural Totos-Paras (Ayacucho) : límite paleogeográfico en la evolución mesozóica de las cuencas Pucará (Triásico superior-Liásico) y Arequipa (Jurásico-Cretácico). Sociedad geológica del Perú, Volumen especial 7 ; Homenaje a V. Benavides C., 7, 1-46.

Jaillard, E., Lapierre, H., Ordoñez, M., Toro Á., J., Amórtegui, A., Vanmelle, J. (2009). Accreted oceanic terranes in Ecuador : Southern edge of the Caribbean Plate ? in : K. James, M.A. Lorente & J. Pindell, eds., Geological Society London, Special Publication, 328, 467-483. PDF

Chihaoui, A., Jaillard, E., Latil, J.-L., Susperregui, A.-S., Touir, J., Ouali, J. (2010). Stratigraphy of the Hameima and Lower Fahdene formations in the Tajerouine area (Northern Tunisia). Journal of African Earth Sciences, 58, 387-399. PDF

Amórtegui, A., Jaillard, E., Lapierre, H., Bosch, D., Martelat, J.-E., Bussy, F. (2011). Petrography and geochemistry of accreted oceanic fragments below the Western Cordillera of Ecuador. Geochemical Journal, 45, 57-78. PDF

Jaillard, E., Bouillin, J.-P., Ouali, J., Dumont, T., Latil, J.-L., Chihaoui, A., Zghal, I. (2013). The "Albian Crisis" in Central Tunisia : Nature and chronology of the deformations. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 85, 75-86. PDF

Peybernes, C., Giraud, F., Jaillard, E., Robert, E., Masrour, M., Aoutem, M., Içame, N. (2013). Calcareous nannofossil productivity and carbonate production on the southern tethyan margin (Morocco) during the Late Aptian-Early Albian : paleoclimatic implications. Cretaceous Research, 39, 149-169. PDF

Riel, N., Guillot, S., Jaillard, E., Martelat, J.-E., Paquette, J.-L., Schwartz, S., Goncalves, P., Duclaux, G., Thebaud, N., Lanari, P., Janots, E., Yuquilema, J. (2013). Implications for high-temperature metamorphism in a forearc zone : a metamorphic and geochronogical study of the Triassic El Oro metamorphic complex in Ecuador. Lithos, 156-159, 41-68. PDF

Poprawski, Y., Basile, C., Agirrezabala, L., Jaillard, E., Gaudin, M., Jacquin, T. (2014). Sedimentary and structural record of the Albian growth of the Bakio salt diapir (the Basque Country, northern Spain). Basin Research, 26, 1-21. PDF

Riel, N., Martelat, J.-E., Guillot, S., Jaillard, E., Monié, P., Yuquilema, J., Duclaux, G., Mercier, J. (2014). Forearc tectono-thermal evolution of the El Oro metamorphic province (Ecuador) during the Mesozoic. Tectonics, 33, 1989-2012. PDF

Ledevin, M., Arndt, N., Simionovici, A., Jaillard, E., Ulrich, M. (2014). Silica precipitation triggered by clastic sedimentation in the Archean : New petrographic evidence from cherts of the Kromberg type section, South Africa. Precambrian Research, 255, 316–334. PDF

Poprawski Y., Basile C., Jaillard E., Gaudin M., Lopez M. (2016). Halokinetic sequences in carbonate systems : an example from the Middle Albian Bakio Breccias Formation (Basque Country, Spain). Sedimentary Geology, 334, 34-52. PDF

Alvarado, A., Audin L., Nocquet, J.-M., Jaillard, E., Mothes, P., Jarrín, P., Segovia, M., Cisneros, D. (2016). Migration and localization of a continental plate boundary in Ecuador : present-day active faulting delimiting the North Andean Block to the East. Tectonics, 35, 1048–1065. PDF

Jaillard, E., Bouillin, J.-P., Ouali, J., Dumont, T., Latil, J.-L., Chihaoui, A. (2017). Albian deformation in Central Tunisia : Evidences for an Atlantic-type passive margin. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 135, 220-234. PDF

Al Yacoubi, L., Bouchaou, L., Jaillard E., Masrour, M., Ait Brahim, Y., El Mouden, A., Schneider, J., Reichert, B. (2017). Impact of rock-water interactions and recharge on water resources quality of the Agadir-Essaouira Basin, Southwestern Morocco. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 10:169. PDF

Riel N., Jaillard, E., Guillot, S., Martelat, J.-E., Braun, J. (2018). Permian-Triassic Tethyan realm reorganisation : implications for the outward Pangea margin. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 81, 78-86. PDF

Granier, B., Jaillard, E. (2018). First record of Cretaceous calcareous algae on the Pacific margin of South America (Peru). Ameghiniana, 55, 75-90. PDF

Jaillard, E., Latil, J.-L., Raisossadat, N. (2018). The Albian-Cenomanian transition in Central Tunisia : insights from Jebel Mrhila. In : M. Boughdiri et al. (eds.), Paleobiodiversity and Tectono-Sedimentary Records in the Mediterranean Tethys and Related Eastern Areas, Advances in Science, Technology and Innovation, Springer Nature Switzerland. PDF

Dawelbeit, A., Jaillard, E., Eisawi, A. (2018). Paleoclimate evolution of the Kordofan region, Sudan, during the last 13 ka. In : M. Boughdiri et al. (eds.), Paleobiodiversity and Tectono-Sedimentary Records in the Mediterranean Tethys and Related Eastern Areas, Advances in Science, Technology and Innovation, Springer Nature Switzerland. PDF

Jaillard, E., Al Yacoubi, L., Reboulet, S., Robert, E., Masrour, M., Bouchaou, L., Giraud, F., El Hariri, K. (2019). Late Barremian eustatism and tectonism in the Western High Atlas (Essaouira-Agadir Basin), Morocco. Cretaceous Research, 93, 225-244. PDF

Jaillard, E., Hassanein Kassab, W., Giraud, F., Robert, E., Masrour, M., Bouchaou, L., El Hariri, K., Hammed M.S., Aly, M.F. (2019). Aptian-Lower Albian sedimentation in the Essaouira-Agadir Basin, Western Morocco. Cretaceous Research, 102, 59-80. PDF

Dawelbeit, A., Jaillard, E., Eisawi, A. (2019). Sedimentary and paleobiological records of the Holocene climate evolution in Kordofan, Sudan. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 160, 103605. PDF

Ledevin, M., Arndt, N., Chauvel, C., Jaillard, E., Simionovici, A. (2019). The sedimentary origin of black and white banded cherts of the Buck Reef, Barberton, South Africa. Geosciences, 2019, 9, 424 ; doi:10.3390/geosciences9100424. PDF

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Jaillard, E., Latil, J.-L., Chihaoui, A., Zghal, I. (2021). Sequences, discontinuities and water stratification in a low energy ramp : the Early Albian sedimentation in central Tunisia. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 110, 263-285. PDF

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Guerrero, J., Montes, V., Jaillard, E., Kammer, A. (2021). Seismic interpretation of the Cretaceous unconformities and sequences in the Middle Magdalena Valley and western margin of the Eastern Cordillera, Colombia. C. R. Geosciences, 353, 155-172. PDF

Jaillard, E. (2021). L’alpinisme, une évolution à risque (presque) constant. In : P. Clastres, D. Debons, J.-F. Pitteloup, G. Quin (Eds), Gravir les Alpes du XIXe siècle à nos jours, 69-76, Presses Universitaires de Rennes. PDF

Raisossadat, N., Latil, J.-L., Hamdani, H., Jaillard, E., Amiribakhtiar, H. (2021). The Kazhdumi Formation (Lower Cretaceous, upper Aptian-upper Albian) in the Zagros Basin, Iran. Cretaceous Research, 127, 104920. PDF

Chaabane, C., Haj Ali, H., Zidi, M., Jaillard, E., Touir, J. (2022). Vertical transition from ramp to rimmed shelf : example of the Turonian carbonate platforms in Central Tunisia. Carbonates and Evaporites, 37(1), 1-12. PDF

Dawelbeit, A., Jaillard, E., Eisawi, A. (2022). Grain size analysis of the latest Quaternary Kordofan Sand of Central Sudan : Depositional environment and mode of transportation. Aeolian Research, 55, 100785. PDF

Jaillard, E. (2022). Late Cretaceous-Paleogene Andean build-up of the Ecuadorian Andes : review and discussion. Earth-Science Reviews, 230, 104033. PDF

Jaillard, E., Latil, J.-L., Masse, J.-P., Moullade, M., Hfaied, R. (2022). The upper Aptian-lower Albian transgression in the Chotts area, southern Central Tunisia. Cretaceous Research, 137, 105221. PDF

Shmeit, M., Giraud, F., Jaillard, E., Reboulet, S., Masrour, M., Spangenberg, J., El-Samrani, A. (2022). The Valanginian Weissert Event in the southern Tethys margin : a dynamic palaeoceanographic evolution based on the study of calcareous nannofossils. Marine Micropaleontology, 175, 102134. PDF

Reboulet, S., Jaillard, E., Giraud, F., Shmeit, M., Masrour, M., M. Aoutem, M. (2022). Biostratigraphy and sequences of a South-Tethyan Valanginian succession : The Essaouira-Agadir Basin (Morocco). Cretaceous Research, 140, 105341. PDF