
95+ peer reviewed publications : H_index= 36 (05_2021)

 99- J-R Grasso, C. Sue, L Tatard, C Voisin Susceptibility of French Alps slopes to earthquake shaking : interactions between strong topography contrast, low tectonic loading, and low weathering context, in preparation
 98 Grasso, J-R, A. Karimov, D. Amorese ; B. Nurtaev, The Gazli seismic sequence : interaction between exogenous and endogenous forcing, in preparation
 97- Grasso J-R, et al. Oil and gas recovery and possible technogenic seismicity in North Sakhahlin context, in preparation
 96- J-R Grasso, C. Sue, L Tatard, C Voisin (2021) Susceptibility of French Alps slopes to earthquake shaking : interactions between strong topography contrast, low tectonic loading, and low weathering context, in preparation
 95- J.-R. Grasso, A. Aduskin, G. Lizurek, A. Emanov, D Amitrano, C. Cornou, C Sue, M Langlois, Quarry Quake Quandary, in preparation (2021)
 94- Grasso, J.-R., D. Amorese, and A. Karimov (2021). Did Wastewater Disposal Drive the Longest Seismic Swarm Triggered by Fluid Manipulations ? Lacq, France, 1969–2016, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. 1–20, doi : 10.1785/0120200359
 93- Causse, M., Cornou, C., Maufroy, E., Grasso, J.-R., Baillet, L., & El Haber, E. (2021). Exceptional ground motion during the shallow M w 4.9 2019 Le Teil earthquake, France. Communications Earth & Environment, 2(1), 1-9.
 92- Cornou et al. (including JR Grasso) (2021), Rapid response to the Mw 4.9 earthquake of November 11, 2019 in Le Teil, 
 Lower Rhône Valley, France, Comptes Rendus. Géoscience, 353(S1),1-23.
 91 B. Orlecka-Sikora, J.-R. Grasso et al. (2020), EPOS TCS for Anthropogenic Hazards : A Step-change in Tackling Hazards Associated with Resource Exploitation, Scientific Data, Nature, 7:89 |
 90- J.-R. Grasso, A. Karimov, D. Amorese, (2019), Anthropogenic Seismicity as aftershocks of geo-resource production ? Implication for Mmax estimates, GJI, doi:10.1093/gji/ggz337.
 89- L. De Barros, F. Cappa, Y. Guglielmi, L. Dubeuf and J-R Grasso, (2019), Energy of injection-induced earthquakes predicted from in-situ experiments, Scientific Report, 2019
 88- J.‐R. Grasso, A. Karimov, D. Amorese, C. Sue, C. Voisin, (2018) Patterns of Reservoir‐Triggered Seismicity in a Low‐Seismicity Region of France. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America doi :
 87- Amorese, D., Grasso, J.-R., Garambois, S., & Font, M. (2018). Change-point analysis of geophysical time-series : application to landslide displacement rate (Séchilienne rock avalanche, France). Geophysical Journal International, 213(2), 1231-1243.
 86- De Arcangelis, L, Godano, C, Grasso J.-R., and E Lippillo, (2016) Statistical physics approach to earthquake occurrence and forecasting, Physic Reports, 628, 1-91
 85- Tahir, M. and J.-R. Grasso,(2015) Faulting style controls on the space-time aftershock patterns (global earthquake catalogues), Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 105, No. 5, pp. 2480–2497, October 2015, doi : 10.1785/0120140336
 84- Walpersdorf, A., Sue, C., Baize, S., Cotte, N., Bascou, P., Beauval, C., Grasso J-R, ... & Martinod, J. (2015). Coherence between geodetic and seismic deformation in a context of slow tectonic activity (SW Alps, France). Journal of Geodynamics, 85, 58-65.
 83- Tahir, M., & Grasso, J. R. (2014). Aftershock Patterns of Ms> 7 Earthquakes in the India–Asia Collision Belt : Anomalous Results from the Muzaffarabad Earthquake Sequence, Kashmir, 2005. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America.
 82- Tatard, L., & Grasso, J. R. (2013). Controls of earthquake faulting style on near field landslide triggering : The role of coseismic slip. Journal of Geophysical Research : Solid Earth, 118(6), 2953-2964.
 81- Schmid, A., Grasso, J. R., Clarke, D., Ferrazzini, V., Bachèlery, P., & Staudacher, T. (2012). Eruption forerunners from multiparameter monitoring and application for eruptions time predictability (Piton de la Fournaise). Journal of Geophysical Research : Solid Earth (1978–2012), 117(B11).
 80- Schmid, A., & Grasso, J. R. (2012). Omori law for eruption foreshocks and aftershocks. Journal of Geophysical Research : Solid Earth (1978–2012), 117(B7).
 79- Lacroix, P. ; Grasso, J.-R. ; Roulle, J. ; Giraud, G. ; Goetz, D. ; Morin, S. ; Helmstetter, A. Monitoring of snow avalanches using a seismic array : Location, speed estimation, and relationships to meteorological variables J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 117, No. F1, F01034
 78- Tahir, M., J.-R. Grasso, and D. Amorèse,(2012) The largest aftershock : How strong, how far away, how delayed ?,
Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, L04301, doi:10.1029/2011GL050604
 77- Traversa, P., O. Lengliné, O. Macedo, J.P. Metaxian, J.R. Grasso, A. Inza,and E. Taipe, (2011) Short Term Forecasting of Explosions at Ubinas Volcano, PerU, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 116, B11301, 15 PP.,doi:10.1029/2010JB008180
 76- Tatard Lucille, Jean-Robert Grasso, Agnes Helmstetter Stephane Garambois, (2010) Characterization and comparison of landslide dynamics in different tectonic and climatic settings, J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 115, No. F4, F04040
 75- Traversa, P. & Grasso, J. R. (2010). How is Volcano Seismicity Different from Tectonic Seismicity ? Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 100(4), 1755-1769.
 74- Traversa P., Pinel V. and J-R Grasso, (2010) A Constant Influx Model for Dyke Propagation : Implications for Magma Reservoir Dynamics, J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 115, No. B1, B01201
 73- Amorese, D., Grasso J-R and P. Rydelek, (2009) On varying b values with depth : results from computer-intensive tests for Southern California", Geophysical Journal International, Vol. 180, No. 1, pp. 347-360.
 72- Traversa P. and J-R Grasso, Brittle Creep Damage as the Seismic Signature of Dyke Propagations within Basaltic Volcanoes,(2009) Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America ; June 2009 ; v. 99 ; no. 3 ; p. 2035-2043 ; DOI : 10.1785/0120080275
 71- Jari Rosti, Juha Koivisto, Paola Traversa, Xavier Illa , Jean-Robert Grasso and Mikko J. Alava, (2008), Line creep in paper peeling, Internal Journal of Fracture, 151 (2), 2008, p.281 ; doi:10.1007/s10704-008-9258-7
 70- Voisin, C., J.-R. Grasso, E. Larose and F. Renard (2008), Evolution of seismic signals and slip papttern along subduction zones : Insights from a friction lab scale, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L08302, doi:10.1029/2008GL033356.
 69- Lemarchand, N., and J.-R. Grasso (2007), Interactions between earthquakes and volcano activity, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L24303, doi:10.1029/2007GL031438.
 68- Voisin, C., F. Renard, and J.-R. Grasso (2007), Long term friction : From stick-slip to stable sliding, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L13301, doi:10.1029/2007GL029715
 67- Dahm T., Kruger F., Stammler K., Klinge K. , Kind R., Wylegalla K., and Grasso J-R, 2007, The 2004 Mw 4.4 Rotenburg, Northern Germany, Earthquake and Its Possible Relationship with Gas Recovery, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 97, No. 3, pp. 691–704, June 2007, doi : 10.1785/0120050149.
 66- Failletaz, J., F Louchet, J R Grasso Cellular automaton modelling of slab avalanche triggering mechanisms : from the universal statistical behaviour to particular cases, Proceedings of the ISSW, 174-180

 65- Savin , C. ,Grasso, JR, Bachelery P., 2005 Seismic signature of a phreatic explosion : Hydrofracturing damage patterns at Karthala volcano, Comores Islands, Indian Ocean, Bull Volcanology 10.1007/s00445-005-0411-0
 64- Grasso JR and C Voisin, 2005, The Largest aftershock ever recorded, Eos, 86, 22, 211.
 63- Amitrano, D, Grasso , JR, and G Senfaute, 2005, Seismic precursory pattern before a cliff collapse and critical point phenomena, Geophys. Res. Lettrs, 32, L08314, doi : 10.1029/2004GL022270.
 62- Faillettaz, J. Louchet F. and JR Grasso, 2004 A Two-Threshold model for Scaling laws of Non-Interacting Snow avalanches Phys. Rev. Lettrs, 208001.
 61- Mekkawi, M. JR Grasso, and P Schnegg, 2004, A long lasting seismic relaxation at Lake Aswan, Egypt, 1982-2001, Bull. Seis. Soc. Am. 94, 2, 479-492.
 60- Sornette D., A. Helmstetter, J.V. Andersen, S. Gluzman, JR Grasso and V.F. Pisarenko, 2004, Towards Landslide Predictions : Two Case Studies. Physica A 338, 605-632.
 59- Grasso JR and I Zaliapin, 2004, Predictability of volcanic Eruption : lessons from basaltic volcanoes, Geophys Res Letts, 31 : L05602, doi : 10.1029/2003GL019022.
 58- Helmstetter A , D Sornette, JR Grasso, J Andersen, S Gluzman, A Pisarenko. 2004, A rate and state friction law to model Landslide and Mountain collapse, Journ. Geophys. Res,. 109, B02409, doi : 10.129/2002JB002160.
 57- Collombet, M., JR Grasso and V Ferrazzini, 2003, Seismicity patterns before volcano eruptions at Piton de la Fournaise : implications for volcano dynamics, Geophys. Res. Lettrs., 30 : 21, 2099, doi : 10.1029/2003GL017494 .
 56- Dussauge, C., JR Grasso, and A Helmstetter, 2003, Statistical analysis of rock fall volumes : implications for rock fall dynamics, J. Geophys. Res. 108, No. B6, 2286 10.1029/2001JB000650.
 55- Helsmtetter A., D. Sornette and J-R Grasso, 2003, Mainshocks are aftershocks of conditional foreshocks : how do foreshock statistical properties emerge from aftershock laws, Journ. Geophys. Res., 108, 10.1029/2002JB001991.
 54- Senechal, G., D. Rousset, A.-L. Salomé and J.-R. Grasso, 2003, Georadar and seismic investigations over the Glacier de la Girose (French Alps), Near Surface Geophysics,. 1, 5-12.
 53- Faillettaz,J., F Louchet, JR Grasso, D Daudon, R Dendievel, Scale invariance of snow avalanche triggering mechanisms, Stevens JR ed Proceedings of the International Snow Science Workshop 29, 528-531
 52- Dussauge-Peisser, C., A Helmstetter, JR Grasso, D. Hantz, P. Desvarreux, M. Jeannin, and A. Giraud, 2002, Probabilistic approach to rock fall hazard assessment : potential of historical data analysis, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 2, 1-13.
 51- Sue C., JR Grasso, F. Lahaie and D. Amitrano, 2002, Mechanical behavior of western Alpines structures inferred from statistical analysis of seismicity, Geophys. Res. Letts, 29, 10.10292001GL014050.
 50- Weiss, J., J.R. Grasso, M.C. Miguel, A. Vespignani, and S. Zapperi, 2001, Complexity in dislocation dynamics : experiments, Materials Science and Engineering : A, 309-310, 360-364.
 49- Miguel, M.-C., A. Vespignani, S. Zapperi, J. Weiss, and J.R. Grasso, 2001. Complexity in dislocation dynamics : model, Materials Science and Engineering : A, 309-310, 324-327.
 48- Miguel, M.C., A. Vespignani, S. Zapperi, J. Weiss, and J.R. Grasso, 2001,Intermittent dislocation flow in viscoplastic deformation, Nature, 410, 667-671.
 47- Weiss, J., Lahaie, F. & Grasso, J. R. 2000. Statistical analysis of dislocation dynamics during viscoplastic deformation Journal of Geophysical Research 105, 433-442.
 46- Sue, C., Martinod, J., Tricart, P., Thouvenot, F., Gamond, J. F., Fréchet, J.,Marinier, D., Glot, J. P. & Grasso, J. R. 2000. Active deformation in the inner western Alps inferred from comparison between 1972- classical and 1996-GPS geodetic surveys. Tectonophysics 320(1), 17-29.
 45- Thomas, J. C., Grasso, J. R., Bossu, R., Martinod, J. & Nurtaev, B. 1999. Recent deformation in the Turan and South Kazakh platforms, western central Asia, and its relation to Arabia-Asia and India-Asia collisions. Tectonics 18, 201-214.
 44- Lahaie, F. and Grasso, J. R. 1999. Loading rate impact on fracturing pattern : Lessons from hydrocarbon recovery, Lacq gas field, France. Journal of Geophysical Research 104, 17941-17954.
 43- Amitrano, D., Grasso, J. R. & Hantz, D. 1999. From diffuse to localized damage through elastic interaction. Geophysical Research Letters 26, 2109-2112.
 42- Thouvenot, F., Fréchet, J., Tapponnier, P., Thomas, J. C., B., M., G, Lacassin, R., Jenatton, L., Grasso, J. R, Coutant, O., Paul, A. and Hatzfeld, D. 1998. The Ml-5.3 Epagny (French Alps) earthquake of 15 July 1996 : a long-awaited event on the Vuache fault. Geophysical Journal International, 135, 876-892.
 41- Lahaie, F., Boyer, E. Grasso, JR, Foumaintraux, D. , 1998, Production as a tool to control the efficiency of reservoir fracturing, Society of Petroleum Engineering, SPE/ISRM 47318, 501-508.
 40- Lahaie, F., and J.R. Grasso, A fluid-rock interaction cellular automaton of volcano mechanics : Application to the Piton de la Fournaise, J. Geophys. Res., 103 (B5), 9637-9649, 1998.
 39- Grasso, J. R. & Sornette, D. 1998. Testing self-organized criticality by induced seismicity. Journ. Geophys. Research 103, 29965-29987.
 38- Weiss, J. and J.-R. Grasso. Acoustic emission in single crystals of ice. Journal of Physical Chemistry, B 101 : 6113-6117, 1997.
 37- Rolando,J-P, Massonat, G. Grasso, J-R, Odonne, F. and Meffahi, R., Characterization and modelling of increasing permeability while producing a gas fractured reservoir, Society of Petroleum Engineers, SPE38771, 1997.
 36- Fourmaintraux, D.,Grasso, J. R.,Bard, P. Y., & Koller, M. (1997). Fourmaintraux, D. M., Grasso, J. R., Bard, P. Y., & Koller, M. (1995, January). Use Of Continuous Seismic Monitoring For Hazard Assessment Of Seismicity Associated With Hydrocarbons Reservoir And Triggered By Production.. Bulletin des centres de recherches exploration-Production Elf-Aquitaine, 21(2), 322-335.

 35- Plotnikova, L.M., B.S. Nurtaev, JR Grasso, L.M. Matasova and R Bossu, The Character and extent of seismic deformation in the focal zone of Gasli earthquakes of 1976 and 1984 M>7 events, Pure and Appl. Geophys., 147, 2, 377-387, 1996.
 34- Lahaie, F., J.-R. Grasso, P. Marcenac and S. Giroux. Modélisation de la dynamique auto-organisée des éruptions volcaniques : application au comportement du Piton de la Fournaise, Réunion. Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences (Paris), 323 : 569-574, 1996.
 33- Bossu, R., J.-R. Grasso, L.M. Plotnikova, B. Nurtaev, J. Fréchet and M. Moisy. Complexity of intracontinental seismic faulting : The Gazli, Uzbekistan, sequence. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 86 : 959-971, 1996.
 32- Bossu, R. and J.-R. Grasso. Stress analysis in the intraplate area of Gazli (Uzbekistan), from different sets of earthquake focal mechanisms. Journal of Geophysical Research, 101 : 17645 17659, 1996.
 31- Amorèse, D. and J.-R. Grasso. Rupture planes of the Gazli earthquakes deduced from local stress tensor calculation and geodetic data inversion : Geotectonic implications. Journal of Geophysical Research, 101 : 11263-11274, 1996.
 30- Grasso, J.-R. and P. Bachélery. Hierarchical organization as a diagnostic approach to volcano mechanics : Validation on Piton de la Fournaise. Geophysical Research Letters, 22 : 2897-2900, 1995.
 29- Amorèse, D., J.-R. Grasso, L.M. Plotnikova, B. Nurtaev and R. Bossu. Rupture kinematics of the three Gazli major earthquakes from vertical and horizontal displacements. Bull. Seis. Soc. Am., 85 : 552-559, 1995.
 28- Plotnikova, L. JR Grasso, B.S., Nutaev, J Fréchet, Temporal peculiarities of seismic process development in region of Gazli earthquakes of 1976 and 1984, Uzb. Geol. Journal, 2, 10-16. (in Russian).
 27- Plotnikova, L., B.S. Nurtaev, and JR Grasso, Definition of the depth of tectonic fault in seismic active regions, Doklady, Academii Nauka, Repub Usbekistana, 11, 36-38, 1994, (in Russian).
 26- Volant, P., and J.R. Grasso, The finite extension of fractal geometry and power-law distribution of shallow earthquakes : a geomechanical effect, J. Geophys. Res. , 99, 21879-21889, 1994.
 25- Segall, P., J.R. Grasso, and A. Mossop, Poroelastic stressing and induced seismicity near the Lacq gas field, J. Geophys . Res., 99, 423-438, 1994.
 24- Prévot R., J.L. Chatelain , S.W. Roecker, and J.R. Grasso A shallow double seismic zone beneath the central New Hebrides (Vanuatu) : evidence for fragmentation and accretion of the descending plate ? Geoph. Res. Lett., 21, 2159-2162, 1994.
 23- Grasso, JR, Triggered self-organized criticality,, In Rockburst and Seismicity in Mines, III, (ed. P. Young), Balkema, Rotterdam, 187-194, 1993.
 22- Grasso, JR, F. Guyoton, J. Fréchet and JF Gamond, Triggered Earthquakes as stress gauge : Implication for the upper crust behavior in the Grenoble Area, France, Pure Appl. Geophs., 139, 580-605, 1992
 21- Grasso, JR, Mechanics of seismic instabilities induced by the recovery of hydrocarbon, Pure Appl. Geophs., 139, 507-534, 1992.
 20- Chatelain JL and JR Grasso, Spatial and temporal seismic energy release in the Efate region, (central part of the New Hebrides Island arc) : Evidence for buckling, Geophys. Res. Letts., 19, 1157-1160, 1992.
 19- Grasso, JR, JP Gratier, JF Gamond, and JC Paumier, Stress diffusion triggering of earthquakes in the upper crust, Journ. Struc. Geol., 89, 915-929, 1992.
 18- Grasso, JR, D. Fourmaintraux and V. Maury, Le role des fluides dans les instabilitées de la croute supérieure : l’ exemple des exploitations d’hydrocarbures, Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 163, 1157-1160, 1992.
 17- Maury, V., JR Grasso, and G Wittlinger, Lacq gas field (France) : Monitoring of induced subsidence and seismicity, consequences on gas production and field operation, Engineering Geology, 32, 123-135, 1992.
 16- Volant, P. , JR Grasso, JL Chatelain, and M. Frogneux, B-value, aseismic deformation and brittle failure within an isolated geological objec : evidences from a dome structure loaded by fluid extraction, Geophys. Res. Letts., 19, 1149-1152, 1992.
 15- Guyoton, F., JR Grasso, and P. Volant, Interelation between induced seismic instabilities and complex geological structure, Geophys. Res. Letts., 19, 705-708, 1992.
 14- Fabre D., JR Grasso, and Y Orengo, Mechanical behavior of Deep Rock Core samples from a seismiclly active gas field, Pure and Appl. Geophs.., 137, 20O-221, 1991.
 13- Feignier, B. And JR Grasso, Relation between seismic source parameter and the properties of Rock : A case study, Pure Appl. Geophs., 137, 176-199, 1991
 12- Grasso, JR and B. Feignier, Seismicity induced by gas depletion, II : Lithology correlated events, induced stress and deformation, Pure and Appl. Geophs., 134, 427-450, 1990.
 11- Feignier, B. And JR Grasso, Seismicity induced by gas depletion, I : Correlation of focal mechanisms and dome structure, Pure and Appl. Geophs.., 134, 405-426, 1990
 10- Grasso, JR and G Witllinger, 1990 Ten years of seismic monitoring over a gas field area, Bull. Seis. Soc. Am., 80, 450-473.
 09- Maury, V., Grasso, JR and G Witllinger, 1990 Lacq Gas Field (France) : Monitoring of Induced Subsidence and Seismicity Consequences on Gas Production and Field Operation, Society of Petroleum Engineers, SPE-20887-MS-
 08- Grasso JR and B Feignier, Geomechanical behavior and structural effect induced by the depletion of of a gas field dome, In Rockburst and Seismicity in Mines, II, (ed. C. Fairhurst), Balkema, Rotterdam, 53-60, 1989
 07- Choukroune, P., Roure, F., Pinet, B., & Team, E. P. including Grasso, JR,), (1990). Main results of the ECORS Pyrenees profile. Tectonophysics, 173(1-4), 411-423.
 06- Choukroune P. And Ecors Pyrennes team (including Grasso, JR,), The Ecors pyrenean deep seismic profile : Reflection data and the overall structure of an orogenic belt, Tectonics, 8, 23-29, 1989.
 05- Ecors Pyrenees Scientific team (including Grasso, JR,), The ECORS Pyrenean deep reflection seismic survey across the Pyrennees, Nature, 331, 508-511, 1988.
 04- Seguret M., M. Daignieres and Pyrenean Ecors Team, (including Grasso, JR,) Coupe balancée d’échelle crustale des Pyrénnées, Comp. Ren. Acad. Scie., Paris, 301, 341-346, 1985.
 03- Grasso, JR, M. Cuer and G. Pascal, Imagerie 3D a l’interieur de la terre : inversion des anomalies de propagation des ondes sismiques, Onde et signal, CEDETHEC, 76, 47-60, 1983.
 02- Grasso, JR, M. Cuer and G. Pascal, The use of 2 inverse techniques : Aplplication to a local structure in the New Hebrides Island Arc, Geopys. J. R. Astr. Soc., 75, 437-472, 1983.
 01- Grasso, JR, Three dimensional velocity image of a barrier associated with a moderate pyrenean earthquake (France), Geophys. Res. Letts, 10, 3, 229-232, 1983.