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Articles sous presse :

  • Rivet, D., M. Campillo, M. Radiguet, D. Zigone, V. Cruz-Atienza, N. M. Shapiro, Vladimir Kostoglodov, Nathalie Cotte, Glenn Cougoulat, Andrea Walpersdorf, Eric Daub Seismic velocity changes, strain rate and non- volcanic tremors during the
    2009-2010 slow slip event in Guerrero, Mexico In press Geophysical Journal International. Article.PDF
  • Dimitri Zigone, Yehuda Ben-Zion, Michel Campillo and Philippe Roux (2014) Seismic Tomography of the Southern California plate boundary region from noise-based Rayleigh and Love Waves Pure Appl. Geophys. in review Article.PDF

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