Professional backgrounds

Professional Background

 2004, Master’s degree - Standford Univ. (U.S.)
Radar Interferommetry of RadarSat-1 applied to the Mauna Loa volcano study
 2004 - 2007, PhD - LEGOS (Toulouse, France)
Satellite altimetry applied to the study of the antarctic firn
 2007 - 2008, Post-doctoral position - Univ. Tasmania (Australia)
Dynamics of the Mertz glacier (Antarctica)
 2008 - 2010, Post-doctoral position - LGIT (Grenoble, France)
Dynamics and seismic monitoring of gravitational instabilities
 2011 - 2013, Post-doctoral position - INGEMMET (Lima, Peru)
Study of the interaction earthquakes-landslides in Peru
 2013 - present, Chargé de Recherche IRD - ISTerre (Grenoble, France)