
Recent studies show that casualties due to mass-movements reach almost 10000 people/year. Triggering of these instabilities are driven by various natural (rainfall, earthquakes, deglaciation) and anthropogenic factors. Understanding the mechanims of deformation of the landslides and the factors controlling the triggering of the landslides are the central points of my research. To achieve these aims, my research focus on the monitoring of slow-moving landslides in various tectonic and climatic environments (Peru, Nepal, France, Iran, Lebanon, Iceland) by the coupling of remote sensing images, GNSS and seismic monitoring.

Time-series (2013-2017) of Landsat8 images over the Siguas landslide (South Peru), triggered by massive irrigation. On the right, picture of the Siguas landslide


ORCID profile ResearchGate profile Google scholar profile
List of publications Lacroix P., Measurements of Mauna Loa (Hawaii) volcano deformation using InSAR of Radarsat (2004), master thesis, (…)

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Outreach A paper in Science analyzes the cause, processes and consequences of the large Chamoli rock-ice avalanche, that occured in India in February 2021. As a part of the team of scientists, I (…)

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Main Projects

Main projects In situ monitoring of slow-moving landslides in Peru Link Funded, by CNES, ESA, LabexOSUG@2020, SEG, IRD Satellite detection and monitoring of slow-moving landslides in Peru and (…)

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Below are the courses I am involved in, on a regularly bases, either in Peru or at the University Grenoble Alpes (France) : Remote sensing (Bachelor level, 10h, in spanish) DEM (…)

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Professional backgrounds

Professional Background 2004, Master’s degree - Standford Univ. (U.S.) Radar Interferommetry of RadarSat-1 applied to the Mauna Loa volcano study 2004 - 2007, PhD - LEGOS (Toulouse, France) (…)

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