Associate professor @ UGA and ISTerre lab
Physicienne adjointe CNAP affiliée à l’OSUG

Seismologist specialized in seismic hazard

My current responsabilities :

My research interests :

  • Seismology and earthquakes
  • Seismic hazard and earthquake strong motions
  • Seismic waves propagation in complex media
  • 3D sedimentary and topographic site effects
  • Development of proxys for the prediction of earthquake ground motion and damage
  • 1D/2D/3D numerical simulations of wave propagation
  • Machine-learning approaches on seismological/geological/satellite data
  • Ground-motion spatial variation and related source-site interactions


Causse M., Cornou C., Maufroy E., Grasso J.-R., Baillet L., and El Haber E. (2021). Exceptional ground motion during the shallow Mw 4.9 2019 Le Teil earthquake, France. Communications Earth & Environment, 2, 14. doi : 10.1038/s43247-020-00089-0
Cornou C., Ampuero J.-P., Aubert C., Audin L., Baize S., Billant J., Brenguier F., Causse M., Chlieh M., Combey A., De Michele M., Delouis B., Deschamps A., Ferry M., Foumelis M., Froment B., Gélis C., Grandin R., Grasso J.-R., Hannouz (…)

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Research supervision (students)

Valentin SCHINDELHOLZ (2023-2026)
PhD topic : New strategies based on satellite imagery for the prediction of earthquake ground motion and generation of shakemaps adapted to sedimentary valleys
Advisors : Cécile Cornou and Emeline Maufroy (ISTerre)
Aline BOU NASSIF (2020-2023)
PhD topic : Earthquake strong ground motion in mountainous regions and induced landslides
Advisors : Pascal Lacroix and Emeline Maufroy (ISTerre)

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Positions Since 2017 : Associate professor, @ University Grenoble Alpes, ISTerre lab 2016-2017 : Expert collaborator, @ University Grenoble Alpes, ISTerre lab 2011-2015 : Post-doc, @ University Grenoble Alpes, ISTerre lab 2009-2011 : Teaching and research assistant, @ University Nice Sophia Antipolis, Geoazur lab 2006-2009 : PhD thesis, @ University Nice Sophia Antipolis, Geoazur lab and LSBB lab
Education 2010. PhD degree in Earth sciences, specialty Seismology, @ University Nice Sophia (…)

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Current activities (about 65h/year)
I’m co-responsible for the path "Natural geological hazards and risks" of the master STPE at the University Grenoble Alpes since 2017.
I’m also responsible for the master course in Engineering Seismology (48 hours, master 2 STPE of UGA) since 2018.
I mainly teach engineering seismology and seismic hazard at master level or equivalent, at University Grenoble Alpes and Polytech Grenoble. Some of my courses are taught in English.
I also teach theory of (…)

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