
Press releases / Outreach

Les patines des grès du château de Lunéville sous les rayons X de SOLEIL : Actualités synchrotron Soleil, 14/03/2022

Un nouveau pas vers le contrôle des propriétés des MXènes : Web INC - Actualités, 26/04/2019

Caractérisation structurale de matériaux lamellaires défectueux par diffraction des rayons X : Implications pour les transformations minérales et la réactivité / Journées scientifiques de l’IC2MP (Poitiers) en l’honneur d’Alain Meunier, 09/11/2017

Optimiser les apports d’engrais pour une agriculture durable : Ateliers de l’information - SICD1, Univ. Grenoble, 27/01/2015 - Vidéo

Quand les métaux précipitent dans les racines : Web INSU "A la une", 11/05/2006

Face aux métaux, les plantes se défendent : Journal du CNRS, sept. 2006, vol. 200 - Full text


From the Groupe Français des Argiles to the Association Internationale Pour l’Etude des Argiles : A subjective journey into the French Clay Group history. 17th International Clay Conference, Istanbul, Turquie, 25-29 Juillet

Crystal structure of defective lamellar minerals and their X-ray identification : Implications for reactivity. Euroclay 2019. Paris, France, 1-5 Juillet. Plenary conference (CMS Brindley lecture award)

Peer-reviewed publications 1991-

2024 2023 2022 2021


  • W. Carlin, B. Malvoisin, F. Brunet, B. Lanson, N. Findling, M. Lanson, T. Fargetton, L. Jeannin & O. Lhote : Kinetics of low-temperature H2 production in ultramafic rocks by ferroan brucite oxidation. Geochemical Perspectives Letters, 29, 27-32. Full text.

  • F. Gerony, L. de Viguerie, C. Thillaye du Boullay, F. Gaslain, B. Lanson, C. Colin, L.J. Michot, A.-L. Rollet, G. Mériguet & M. Jaber : Diving into micro-and macroscopic properties of egg-tempera paint based on Sienna pigment. Applied Clay Science, 249, 107236. Full text.

  • L. Masci, L. Truche, V. Magnin, M. Lanson, P. De Rango, A. Moya, N. Findling, B. Lanson, A. Viola, J. Deseure, M. Abdel Sater, P. Launois, G. Joubert & H. Toubon : Hydrogen adsorption on Ni-functionalized saponites and their precursor gels. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 58, 79-92. Full text.

  • H. Yin, X. Yan, C. Zhu, K.D. Kwon, X. Gu, W. Zhao, B. Lanson, W. Li, J. Ma, Y. Li, J. Li, G. Qiu, X. Feng, W. Tan, H. Wen, Q. Huang & F. Liu : Cadmium isotope fractionation during adsorption onto edge sites and vacancies in phyllomanganate. Environmental Science & Technology, 58, 13498-13508. Full text.

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  • W. Carlin, B. Malvoisin, B. Lanson, F. Brunet, N. Findling, M. Lanson, V. Magnin, T. Fargetton, L. Jeannin & O. Lhote : FeIII-substituted brucite : hydrothermal synthesis from (Mg0.8,FeII0.2)-brucite, crystal chemistry and relevance to the alteration of ultramafic rocks. Applied Clay Science, 234, 106845. Full text.

  • H. Hong, K. Ji, H. Hei, C. Wang, C. Liu, L. Zhao, B. Lanson, C. Zhao, Q. Fang & T.J. Algeo : Clay mineral evolution and formation of intermediate phases during pedogenesis on picrite basalt bedrock under temperate conditions (Yunnan, southwestern China). Catena, 220, 106677. Full text.

  • Z. Wu, T. Zhang, B. Lanson, H. Yin, D.Chen & F. He : Sulfidation of Ni-bearing goethites to pyrite : the effects of Ni and implications for its migration between iron phases. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 353, 158-170. Full text.

  • C. Ying, C. Liu, F. Zhang, L. Zheng, X. Wang, H. Yin, W. Tan, X. Feng & B. Lanson Solutions for an efficient arsenite oxidation and removal from groundwater containing ferrous iron. Water Research, 243, 120345. Full text.

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  • B. Lanson, P. Mignon, M. Velde, A. Bauer, M. Lanson, N. Findling & C. Perez del Valle : Determination of layer charge density by alkylammonium ions : A combined experimental and theoretical assessment of the method. Applied Clay Science, 229, 106665. Full text.

  • X. Wang, X. Li, L. Wang, B. Lanson, M. Zhu, C. Ying, X. Liang & X. Feng : Effects of Mn or Al incorporation on the structure, composition, and As(III) adsorption of oxidized green rust. Chemical Geology, 611, 121124. Full text.

  • H. Yin, B. Lanson, S. Zhang, L. Liu, C.L. Peacock, J.E. Post, M. Zhu. W. Li, Q. Wang, J. Zhang, Y. Yang, G. Qiu, X. Feng, W.Tan & F. Liu : Effect and fate of Ni during aging and thermal-induced phyllomanganate-to-tectomanganate transformation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 333, 200-215. Full text.

  • S. Zhang, H. Li, Z. Wu, J.E. Post, B. Lanson, Y. Liu, B. Hu, M. Wang, L. Zhang, M. Hong, F. Liu & H. Yin : Effects of cobalt doping on the reactivity of hausmannite for As(III) oxidation and As(V) adsorption. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 122, 217-226. Full text

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  • G. Corbin, E. Vulliet, B. Lanson , A. Rimola & P. Mignon : Adsorption of Pharmaceuticals onto Smectite Clay Minerals : A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study. Minerals, 11, 62. Full text

  • L. Gatuingt, S. Rossano, J.-D. Mertz, C. Fourdrin, O. Rozenbaum, Q. Lemasson, S. Reguer, N. Trcera & B. Lanson : Characterization and origin of the Mn-rich patinas formed on Lunéville château sandstones. European Journal of Mineralogy, 33, 687–702. Full text

  • P. Münch, J. Caillaud, P. Monié, O. Grauby, M. Corsini, J. Ricci, A. Romagny, M. Philippon, B. Lanson, A. Azdimousah, A. Ben Moussai, & N. Arnaud : Direct dating of brittle extensional deformation contemporaneous of Neogene exhumation of the internal zones of the Rif Chain . Tectonophysics, 807, 228800. Full text

  • Z. Wu, B. Lanson, X. Feng, H. Yin, W. Tan, F. He & F. Liu : Transformation of the phyllomanganate vernadite to tectomanganates with small tunnel sizes : Favorable geochemical conditions and fate of associated Co. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 295, 224-236. Full text.

  • S. Zhang, H. Li, Z. Wu, J.E. Post, B. Lanson, E.J. Elzinga, Y. Liu, H. Li, M. Hong, F. Liu & H. Yin : Effects of Co doping on the structure and physicochemical properties of hausmannite (Mn3O4) and its transformation during aging. Chemical Geology, 582, 120448. Full text.

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  • A.-C. Gaillot, V.A. Drits & B. Lanson : Polymorph and polytype identification from individual mica particles using selected area electron diffraction. Clays & Clay Minerals, 68, 334-346. Full text.

  • L. Lévy, D. Escobedo, P. Patrier, B. Lanson, D. Beaufort, D. Loggia, P.A. Pezard & N. Marino : Relationships between lithology, permeability, clay mineralogy, and electrical conductivity in Icelandic altered volcanic rocks. Proceedings World Geothermal Congress WGC2020+1, Art. 11093, Full text.

  • L. Lévy, T. Fridriksson, N. Findling, B. Lanson, B. Fraisse & G. Benoit : Smectite quantification in hydrothermally altered volcanic rocks. Geothermics, 85, 101748. Full text.

  • X. Liang, J.E. Post, B. Lanson, X. Wang, M. Zhu, H. Zhao, F. Liu, W. Tan, X. Feng, G. Zhu, X. Zhang & J.J. De Yoreo : Coupled Morphological and Structural Evolution of δ-MnO2 into α-MnO2 through Multistage Three-Dimensional Oriented Attachment processes : The role of Mn(III). Environmental Science : Nano, 7, 238-249. Full text..

  • N.C. Marty, S. Grangeon, A. Lassin, B. Madé, P. Blanc & B. Lanson (2020) A quantitative and mechanistic model for the coupling between chemistry and clay hydration. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 283, 124-135. Full text.

  • I.F. Mbowou Ngantche, S. Owona, B. Chako Tchamabe, J. Lissom, B. Lanson & G.E. Ekodeck (2020) Mineralogy and geochemistry of pozzolans from the Tombel Plain, Bamileke Plateau, and Noun Plain monogenetic volcanoes in the central part of the Cameroon Volcanic Line. Acta Geochimica, 39, 830-861. Full text.

  • D. Vinci, B. Dazas, E. Ferrage, M. Lanson, N. Findling, V. Magnin & B. Lanson : Influence of layer charge on hydration properties of synthetic octahedrally-charged Na-smectite. Applied Clay Science, 184, 105404. Full text..

  • D. Vinci, B. Lanson, M. Lanson, V. Magnin & N. Findling : Hydration of Na-saturated Synthetic Stevensite, a Peculiar Trioctahedral Smectite. Clay Minerals, 55, 229-237. Full text..

  • Z. Wu, B. Lanson, X. Feng, H. Yin, Z. Qin, X. Wang, W. Tan, Z. Chen, W. Wen & F. Liu : Transformation of Ni-containing birnessite to tectomanganate : Infuence and fate of weakly bound Ni(II) species. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 271, 96-115. Full text.

  • C. Ying, B. Lanson, C. Wang, X. Wang, H. Yin, Y. Yan, W. Tan, F. Liu & X. Feng : Highly enhanced oxidation of arsenite at the surface of birnessite in the presence of pyrophosphate and the underlying reaction mechanisms. Water Research, 187, 116420. Full text.

  • H. Ying, X. Feng, M. Zhu, B. Lanson, F. Liu & X. Wang : Formation and transformation of schwertmannite through direct Fe3+ hydrolysis under various geochemical conditions. Environmental Science : Nano, 7, 2385-2398. Full text.

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  • E. Bakker, F. Hubert, M.M. Wander & B. Lanson : Soil development under continuous agriculture at the Morrow Plots experimental fields from X-ray
    diffraction profile modelling. Soil Systems, 2, 46. Full text (incl. suppl. info.).

  • S.R. Carrière, D. Jongmans, G. Chambon, G. Bièvre, B. Lanson, L. Bertello, M. Berti, M. Jaboyedoff, J.-P. Malet & J. E. Chambers : Rheological properties of clayey soils originating from flow-like landslides. Landslides , 15, 1615-1630. Full text .

  • R. Hånde, V. Ramothe, S. Tesson, B. Dazas, E. Ferrage, B. Lanson, M. Salanne, B. Rotenberg & V. Marry, : Classical Polarizable Force Field to Study Hydrated Hectorite : Optimization on DFT Calculations and Validation against XRD Data. Minerals, 8(5), 205. Full text

  • B. Lanson, F.F. Marafatto & J. Peña : Reply to the ‘Comment on “Crystal growth and aggregation in suspensions of δ-MnO2 nanoparticles : implications for surface reactivity”’ by A. Manceau, Environ. Sci. : Nano, 2018, 5, DOI : 10.1039/C8EN00126J. Environmental Science : Nano, 5, 2201-2203. Full text

  • F.F. Marafatto, B. Lanson & J. Peña : Crystal growth and aggregation in suspensions of δ-MnO2 nanoparticles : implications for surface reactivity. Environmental Science : Nano, 5, 497-508. Full text

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  • B. Dazas, B. Lanson, A. Delville, J.-L. Robert, S. Komarneni, L.J. Michot & E. Ferrage : Influence of tetrahedral layer charge on the organization of interlayer water and ions in synthetic Na-saturated smectites. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119, 4158-4172. Full text

  • S. Grangeon, A. Fernandez-Martinez, F. Warmont, A. Gloter, N. Marty, A. Poulain & B. Lanson : Cryptomelane formation from nanocrystalline vernadite precursor : a high energy X-ray scattering and transmission electron microscopy perspective on reaction mechanisms. Geochemical Transactions, 16, 12. Full text

  • B. Lanson, E. Ferrage, F. Hubert, D. Prêt, L. Mareschal, M.-P. Turpault & J. Ranger : Experimental aluminization of vermiculite interlayers : An X-ray diffraction perspective on structural mechanisms. Geoderma, 249-250, 28-39. Full text

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  • E. Ferrage, B.A. Sakharov, L.J. Michot, A. Delville, A. Bauer, B. Lanson, S. Grangeon, G. Frapper, M. Jimenez-Ruiz & G.J. Cuello : Hydration properties and interlayer organization of water and ions in synthetic Na-smectite with tetrahedral layer charge. Part 2. Toward a precise coupling between molecular simulations and diffraction data. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 115, 1867-1881. Full text / HAL : Open archive

  • A.-C. Gaillot, V.A. Drits, D.R. Veblen & B. Lanson : Polytype and polymorph identification of finely divided aluminous dioctahedral mica individual crystals with SAED. Kinematical and dynamical electron diffraction. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 34, 435-448. Full text / HAL : Open archive

  • B. Lanson : Modelling of X-ray diffraction profiles : Investigation of defective lamellar structure crystal chemistry. EMU Notes in Mineralogy, Vol. 11, Chapter 4, 151–202. Full text.

  • W.C. Mahaney, K.M. Hart, J.M. Dohm, R.G.V. Hancock, P. Costa, S.S. O’Reilly, B.P. Kelleher, S. Schwartz & B. Lanson : Aluminum extracts in Antarctic paleosols : Proxy data for organic compounds and bacteria and implications for Martian paleosols. Sedimentary Geology, 237, 84-94. Full text / HAL : Open archive

  • G. Montes-Hernandez, P. Beck, F. Renard, B. Lanson, R. Chiriac & N. Findling : Fast precipitation of acicular goethite from ferric hydroxide gel under moderate temperature (30 and 70°C). Crystal Growth & Design, 11, 2264-2272. Full text / HAL : Open archive

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  • B. Lanson, V.A. Drits, E.J. Silvester & A. Manceau : Structure of H-exchanged hexagonal birnessite and its mechanism of formation from Na-rich monoclinic buserite at low pH. American Mineralogist, 85, 826-838. Full text

  • A. Manceau, V.A. Drits, B. Lanson, D. Chateigner, J. Wu, D. Huo, W.P. Gates & J.W. Stucki : Oxidation-reduction mechanism of iron in dioctahedral smectites : II. Crystal chemistry of reduced Garfield nontronite. American Mineralogist, 85, 153-172. Full text

  • A. Manceau, B. Lanson, V.A. Drits, D. Chateigner, W.P. Gates, J. Wu, D. Huo & J.W. Stucki : Oxidation-reduction mechanism of iron in dioctahedral smectites : I. Crystal chemistry of oxidized reference nontronites. American Mineralogist, 85, 133-152. Full text

  • A. Manceau, B. Lanson, M.L. Schlegel, J.C. Hargé, M. Musso, L. Eybert-Bérard, J.L. Hazemann, D. Chateigner & G.M. Lamble : Chemical forms of trace metals in soils by XAFS spectroscopy. I. Quantitative Zn speciation in smelter-contaminated soils. American Journal of Science, 300, 289-343. Full text

  • A. Meunier, B. Lanson & D. Beaufort : Vermiculitization of smectite interfaces and illite layer growth as a possible dual model for illite-smectite illitization in diagenetic environments : A synthesis. Clay Minerals, 35, 573-586. Full text

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  • A. Manceau, M.L. Schlegel, D. Chateigner, B. Lanson, C. Bartoli & W.P. Gates : Application of polarized EXAFS to fine-grained layered minerals. In Synchrotron X-ray Methods in Clay Science, Schulze D.G., Stucki, J.W. & Bertsch P.M. eds., The Clay Minerals Society, Boulder, Co. CMS Workshop Lectures, Vol. 9, 68-114. Full text

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  • D. Beaufort, A. Cassagnabere, S. Petit, B. Lanson, G. Berger, J.C. Lacharpagne & H. Johansen : Kaolinite-to-dickite conversion series in sandstone reservoirs. Clay Minerals, 33, 297-316. Full text

  • V.A. Drits, B. Lanson, A.I. Gorshkov & A. Manceau : Substructure and superstructure of four-layer Ca-exchanged birnessite. American Mineralogist, 83, 97-118. Full text

  • B. Lanson, B. Velde & A. Meunier : Late-stage diagenesis of illitic clay minerals as seen by decomposition of X-ray diffraction patterns : Contrasted behaviors of sedimentary basins with different burial histories. Clays & Clay Minerals, 46, 69-78. Full text

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  • D. Beaufort, A. Baronnet, B. Lanson & A. Meunier : Corrensite : A single phase or a mixed-layer phyllosilicate of the saponite-to-chlorite conversion series ? A case study of the Sancerre-Couy deep drill hole (France). American Mineralogist, 82, 109-124. Full text

  • G. Berger, J.C. Lacharpagne, B. Velde, D. Beaufort & B. Lanson : Kinetic constraints for mineral reactions in sandstone/shale sequences and modelling of the effect of the organic diagenesis. Applied Geochemistry, 12, 23-35. Full text

  • B. Lanson : Decomposition of X-ray diffraction patterns (profile fitting) : A convenient way to study clay minerals. Clays & Clay Minerals, 45, 132-146. Full text

  • A. Manceau, V.A. Drits, E. Silvester, C. Bartoli & B. Lanson : Structural mechanism of Co2+ oxidation by the phyllomanganate buserite. American Mineralogist, 82, 1150-1175. Full text

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  • B. Lanson & B. Kubler : Experimental determinations of the coherent scattering domain size distribution of natural mica-like phases with the Warren-Averbach technique. Clays & Clay Minerals, 42, 489-494. Full text

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