Nicolas GILLET

main topics :

 my research is supported by the CNES for studies of the rapid dynamics within the Earth’s core as inferred from observations of the  Swarm  satellite mission of ESA.

one example : discovery of  waves within Earth’s core from satellite data 

 reconstructions of motions at the top of the Earth’s core from the geomagnegtic secular variation, using an ensemble approach to describe uncertainties on the flow models, within a framework involving stochastic differential equations. Several models and their visualization are available on the pygeodyn portal.

 production of the  COV-OBS  geomagnetic field model series, from observatory, surveys and satellite observations. The last version covers the period 1840-2020.

 here is my habilitation thesis , defended in May 2015.

project management :

 PI of the 4D deep Earth Core project funded by ESA (2019-2024)

 co-PI of the ANR project AVS-geomag (2011-2016)

services :

 chair of  IAGA Div 1

 contact between the OSUG scientific community from and the  Cosmocité  center of sciences for public outreach

peer-reviewed publications

submitted manuscripts- [55] Dumberry, M., F. Gerick & N. Gillet, Millennial axially-symmetric Magneto-Coriolis modes in Earth’s fluid core, submitted to Geophys. J. Int.. [54] Gillet, N., F. (…)

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since 2022
– M1 (UGA) : Observation géophysique de la Terre
– L2 (UGA) : Géothermie
since 2016
– ETC (Licence UGA) : Etoiles et Planètes
– M2R Terre-Solide (UJF, OSUG, (…)

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Communications grand public

Quelques articles en lignes :
... sur des ondes dans le noyau terrestre
... info relayée sur une chaı̂ne youtube
... un article sur "Champ géomagnétique et dynamique du noyau terrestre" (…)

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Communications scientifiques

Main presentations at international conferences, and invited seminars , since 2012 since 2024 Magneto-Coriolis waves in Earth’s core, Swarm 10 Year Anniversary & Science Conference, (…)

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encadrement de thèses

PhD Thea Lepage (10/2023-, financement ministériel, co-encadrement : D. Jault) : conductivité électrique du manteau profond et dynamique dans le noyau terrestre Ilya Firsov (11/2021-, financement (…)

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– mapping the geomagnetic field at the surface of the Earth’s outer core
– inferring the dynamics inside the Earth’s outer core
– quasi-geostrophic dynamics

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