Conference acta

Conference Acta

  C. Heredia, A. T. Gourlan, B. Helly, H. Delile, G. Granier, A.Labouré, L. Audin, and S. Guédron. Lead and copper isotopic tracing of human exposure and ore sources during Roman mining activities in the ancient city of Vienne (Isère, France). Goldschmidt Conférence, Lyon, France, 4 - 9 July 2021.

  Guédron S. Mercury deposition during the Holocene in the Andes : Deciphering climatic and anthropogenic contribution. Conference invitee. March 11th 2021, Analytical, Environmental & Geo-Chemistry, Vrije Universiteit Brussel.

  Vella M.A., Bièvre G., Delaere C., Thiesson J., Guérin R. Heredia C. and Guédron S. Le réseau hydraulique de la cité pré-Inca de Tiwanaku (Bolivie) : mise en relation de la morphologie des canaux avec le contexte hydrogéologique et paléoenvironnemental. 27ème édition de la Réunion des Sciences de la Terre (RST). 2020, Lyon, France, October 26-30 2020.

  F. Arnaud, P. Sabatier, A. Leloup, A. Servettaz, B. Moine, A.-L. Develle, S. Guédron, V. Perrot, J. Poulenard, B. Fanget, E. Malet, E. Storen, J.-L. Reyss, N. Le Viavan, K. Heirman, M. De Batist, E. Michel, J.-L. de Beaulieu, N. Vanderputten, J. Bakke. Etablishing the first continuous Holocene tephrostratigraphy on Kerguelen Archipelago, subantarctic Indian Oean. EGU General Assembly 2020, SSP3.1 – Limnogeology - reading the geological record of lakes May 3-8, 2020.

  Tisserand D., Cossa D., Guédron S, Jézéquel D., Viollier E., Perrot V., Rigaud S., Campillo S. , Bureau S., Sarret G. and Charlet L. Mercury partition at the oxic/anoxic transition of a meromictic lake (Lake Pavin, Massif Central, France). Poster presentation at 14th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant – Krakow, Poland, September 8-13, 2019.

  Guédron S. Tolu J., Perrot V., Acha, D. and Brisset E., Holocene reconstruction of Hg deposition in the central Andes :
respective contribution of climate change, volcanism and anthropogenic activities : oral presentation at 14th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant – Krakow, Poland, September 8-13, 2019.

  Ramos A., Acha D., Lazzaro X., Guédron S, and Sarret G.., Periphyton is a haven for mercury accumulation and algal diversity at high altitude environments. Poster presentation at 14th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant – Krakow, Poland, September 8-13, 2019.

  Guédron S. Tolu J., Tessier E., Bueno, M., Mestrot A., Acha, D. and Amouroux, D. Insights into the speciation of Arsenic, Selenium and Mercury in saline lakes of the Bolivian Altiplano. Goldschmidt conference 2019 ; Barcelona August 18-23.

  Sarret G., Guédron, S., Acha D., Goni-Urriza, M. and Aucour, AM. As accumulation and changes in speciation in periphytic biofilms, Goldschmidt conference 2019 (session 12f), Barcelona August 18-23.

  Guédron S. Tolu J., Perrot V. and Brisset E. Holocene reconstruction of Hg deposition in the central Andes : respective contribution of climate change, volcanism and anthropogenic activities, oral presentation at 14th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant – Krakow, Poland, September 8-13, 2019.

  Bennavente, C., Combey, A., Walker, R., Garcia, B., Rosell, L., Aguirre, E., Rodriguez-Pascua, M.A., Grutzner, C., Guédron, S., and Sabatier, P., 2018. Archeoseismology in Machu Picchu, Paleoseismology and Lacustrine records in Cuzco region as key interdisciplinary approaches for intraplate deformation characterization on the Andean Altiplano. Oral presentation 6th Colloquium on historical earthquakes & paleoseismology studies ; Thursday, 25 October 2018 13:40.

  Duwig C., Archundia D., Uzu G., Guédron S., Ramos Ramos O., 2018 : Consecuencias de la fuerte antropización en los recursos hídricos de la cuenca Katari. Coloquio internacional en el marco de los 50 años del IRD en Bolivia : “Vulnerabilidad de los recursos hídricos en la cuenca Katari”, UMSA, La Paz, March 28, 2018.

  Ormachea M., Alanoca L., Huallpara L. and Guédron S.. Efectos de la actividad minera sobre el sistema hídrico de Milluni. Coloquio : “Vulnerabilidad de los recursos de agua en la subcuenca Katari del Lago Titicaca (Altiplano Norte, Bolivia)”, 28-29 Marzo 2018, UMSA, La Paz Bolivia.

  M. Jiskra, S. Guédron, J. Tolu, S. Fritz, P. Sabatier, P. Baker and J. Sonke. Atmospheric mercury deposition to a Holocene sediment record of Lake Titicaca investigated by Hg stable isotopes. BG1.4 – Mercury through time – Reconstructions of Hg deposition on different timescales using natural archives. Poster presentation EGU, Vienna Austria, 8–13 April 2018.

  J. Tolu, S. Bouchet, A. G. Bravo, J. Rydberg, C. Meyer-Jacob, S. Guédron, E. Brisset, E. Björn, S. Bertilsson, L. Winkel and R. Bindler. Characterizing the molecular composition of organic matter for process-understanding of trace metals fate in environmental systems. The International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements ICOBTE, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, July 16-20, 2017

  S. Guédron, S. Audry, D. Acha, C. Heredia, S. Bouchet, D. Point, J. Thébault, L. Chauvaud and D. Amouroux. Methylmercury production in surface sediments and exchanges with overlying water of Lake Titicaca (Bolivia). Poster presentation at the 13th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant – Providence, Rhode Island, July 16-21, 2017.

  S. Guédron, J. Tolu, E. Brisset, P.Sabatier, A.L. Develle, S. Bouchet, R. Bindler, A. I. Domic, S. C. Fritz and P.A. Baker. Late Holocene mercury deposition history in Lake Chungará (4500 m a.s.l., Chile) : Influence of volcanic eruptions and changes in paleolimnoecology. Oral presentation - 13th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant – Providence, Rhode Island, July 16-21, 2017.

  E. Tessier, D. Amouroux, Y. Colin, S. Guédron, M. Monperrus, M.S. Goni and R. Guyoneaud. Methylmercury formation and mobilization in tropical soils from a rainforest watershed (French Guiana). Poster presentation at the 13th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant – Providence, Rhode Island, July 16-21, 2017.

  D. Acha. S. Guédron, D. Point, D. Amouroux, P. Fernandez, S. Bouchet and X. Lazzaro. Eutrophication and algae blooms may have similar effects on methylmercury accumulation at high altitude sulfate-rich environments. 13th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant – Providence, Rhode Island, July 16-21, 2017.

  S. Bouchet, D. Amouroux, M. Goni, M. Monperrus, R. Guyoneaud, C. Heredia, E. Tessier, D. Point, S. Guédron and D. Acha. Linking microbial activity and Hg bioavailability to Hg methylation in Lake Titicaca hydrosystem (Bolivian Altiplano). Poster presentation at the 13th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant – Providence, Rhode Island, July 16-21, 2017.

  L. Alanoca, S. Guédron , M. Monperrus, D. Amouroux, E. Tessier, P. Seyler, M. Goni, R. Guyoneaud, D. Acha , S. Audry, M. E. Garcia, J. Quintanilla and D. Point. Biogeoquímica del mercurio en el lago tropical de altura Uru Uru (Altiplano boliviano). International colloquium on current and ancient contamination in Andes aquatic ecosystems, La Paz – May 3– 5, 2016, pp : 11.

  D. Amouroux, D. Point, S. Guédron, D. Acha, X Lazzaro, L. Chauvaud, S. Bouchet, A. Baya, M. Monperrus, E. Tessier, R. Guyoneaud, M. Goni, J. Thebault, A. Groleau, A. Lorrain, E. Amice, T. Lebec, S. Rocha, C. Heredia, M-E. Espinoza, M. Flores & R. Katari. Processes controlling Methyl-Hg formation and degradation in Lake Titicaca hydrosystem (Bolivian Altiplano). International colloquium on current and ancient contamination in Andes aquatic ecosystems, La Paz – May 3– 5, 2016, pp : 12.

  S. Guédron, S. Audry, D. Acha & D. Amouroux. Methylmercury production and exchanges in sediments of Lake Titicaca. International colloquium on current and ancient contamination in Andes aquatic ecosystems, La Paz – May 3– 5, 2016, pp : 13.

  D. Achá Cordero, C. Heredia, P. Fernandez, M-E. Espinosa, D. Point, S. Guédron, A. Groleau, D. Amouroux, J. Nuñez, G. Lora and X. Lazzaro. New lights on Lake Titicaca eutrophication process and perspectives about monitoring and remediation. International colloquium on current and ancient contamination in Andes aquatic ecosystems, La Paz – May 3– 5, 2016, pp : 16.

  X. Lazzaro, H. Rybarczyk, T. Meziane, C. Hubas, D. Lamy,D. Point, J.M. Martine, S. Guédron, C. Duwig, A. Groleau, S. Rocha Lupa, M.P. Alcoreza Ortiz, W.G. Lanza Aguiar, A.J. Flores, E.Z. Loyza Torrico, C. Ibañez Luna, J. Nuñez Villalba, C. Gamarra Peralta, C. Villanueva Quispe, L. La Cruz, V. Villafañe, W. Helbling, A. Lebourges-Dhaussy, J. Guillard, I. Domaizon, C. Kruk, N. Mazzeo, M. Meerhoff, M. Pereira Sandoval, J. Delegido, A. Ruiz, J. Moreno, C. Molina Arzabe & D. Achá Cordero. Accelerated eutrophication in Lake Titicaca : Historical evolution, mechanisms, monitoring, and observatory approach. International colloquium on current and ancient contamination in Andes aquatic ecosystems, La Paz – May 3– 5, 2016, pp : 22-23.

  J. Tolu, S. Guédron, E. Brisset, R. Bindler, P.A. Baker and S.C. Fritz. Multi-proxy reconstruction of changes in water level and organic matter sources related to climate change over the Holocene (Lake Titicaca, Bolivia). .International colloquium on current and ancient contamination in Andes aquatic ecosystems, La Paz – May 3– 5, 2016, pp : 33.

  L. Charlet, F. Blancho, T. Bonnet, P. Boivin, T. Ferber, D. Tisserand, S. Guédron. 2016. Industrial mercury pollution in a mountain valley : a combined geophysical and geochemical study. 15th Water-Rock Interaction International Symposium, Evora, Portugal (16-21.10.2016).

  Weide, D. M., Fritz, S., Hastorf, C., Salenbien, W., Baker, P. and Guédron S., 2015. A Late Holocene Lake Level Reconstruction of Lago Huiñaimarca, Southern Lake Titicaca, Peru/Bolivia. Sixth International Limnogeology Congress - Reno, Nevada, USA (06.2015).

  Guédron, S., Amouroux, D., Tessier, E., Grimaldi, M., Grimaldi, C., Feng, C., Barre, J., Berail, S. and Bousserrhine, N., 2015. Tracing Hg transport, reaction and contamination source using Hg isotopes in tropical forest soils affected by ancient gold mining activity (French Guiana), oral presentation. International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant- Jeju, Corea (06.2015).

  Colin Y., Tessier E., Monperrus M., Bertin P., Goni M. S., Amouroux D., Guédron S., Guyoneaud R., 2015. Microbial communities linked with mercury methylation and demethylation processes in French Guyana soils, oral presentation. International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant- Jeju, Corea (06.2015).

  Salenbien, W., Weide, D. M., Develle, A.-L., Baker, P. A., Fritz S. C., Guédron, S., 2014. The Influence of Sampling Density on Bayesian Age-Depth Models and Paleoclimatic Reconstructions ; Lessons Learned from Lake Titicaca (Bolivia/Peru). American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, USA (12.2014).

  Hellal, J., Guédron, S., Huguet, L., Schaëfer, J., Laperche, V., Joulian, C., Lanceleur, L., Burnol, A., Ghestem, J-P., Garrido, F. and Battaglia-Brunet, F., 2014. Iron and sulphur biogeochemical processes involved in mercury mobility and speciation in an artificial aquifer. 24e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre – Pau, France (10.2014).

  Amouroux, D., Point D., Guédron, S., Acha, D., Lazzaro, X., Chauvaud, L., Bouchet, S., Baya, A., Monperrus, M., Tessier, E., Guyoneaud, R., Goni, M., Thebault, J., Groleau, A., Lorrain, A., Amice, E., Lebec, T., Rocha, S., Heredia, C., Espinosa, M. E., Flores, M., Katari, R., 2014. In situ exploration of processes controlling Hg biogeochemistry in Lake Titicaca hydrosystem (Bolivian Altiplano). 24e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre – Pau, France (10.2014).

  Baya, P. A., Point, D., Guédron S., Lazzaro, X., Espinoza. M. E., Amouroux D. , Chauvaud, L., Amice, E., Thebault J., LeBec T., Acha. D., 2014. Distribution and sources of methylmercury (MeHg) in high altitude lakes ecosystems : The Lake Titicaca case study. 24e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre – Pau, France (10.2014).

  Dutordoir S., Némery J., Arnaud J., Guédron S., Belleudy P., Landas-Maneval J. and , Rivière C., 2013.Particulate flux calculation based on metal contents and suspended sediment concentrations relationship : case study of turbid alpine river (Isère, France). EGU.

  Harris-Hellal J., Huguet L., Guédron S., Schafer J., Joulian C., Burnol A., Garrido F., Laperche V. and Battaglia-Brunet F., 2013. Iron and sulfur biogeochemical processes involved in mercury mobility and speciation in an artificial aquifer, oral presentation. International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant- Edinburgh, UK (07.2013).

  Garcia Bravo A., Bouchet S., Zopfi J., Guédron S., Amouroux D., and Dominik J., Mercury methylation in sediments contaminated by a sewage treatment plant : the role of iron reducing bacteria, oral presentation. International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant- Edinburgh, UK (07.2013).

  Cossa D., Schäfer J., Guédron S., Thomas B., Lanceleur L. and. Chiffoleau J.-F, Methylmercury in the water column at the northwestern Mediterranean margin, oral presentation. International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant- Edinburgh, UK (07.2013).

  Niane, B., Moritz, R., Ngom, P.M., Pfeifer, H.R., Bravo, AGB, Maal, ,I. and Guédron, S. Environmental impact arising from artisanal gold mining and use of Mercury in Eastern Senegal. Poster presentation. 9th Swiss Geoscience Meeting - Zürich, Switzerland (11.11 2011).

  Guédron, S., Huguet, L., Vignati, D.A.L., Liu, B., Gimbert, F., Zonta, R. and Dominik J. Methylmercury production and release from sediments to surface water during tidal cycles in a zone adjacent to salt marshes, Venice lagoon, Italy, oral presentation, International conference on heavy metals in the environment (ICHMET), Gdansk, Poland (19-23.10.2010).

  Liu, B., Yan, H., Li, Q., Wang, C., Guédron, S., Feng, X. and Dominik, J. A puzzle in a Hg contaminated reservoir – Biogeochemical factors of Hg bioaccumulation in the fish of Biahua reservoir, poster presentation, ICHMET 15, Gdansk, Poland (19-23.10.2010).

  Garcia Bravo, A., Chevalley, P.A., Cosio, A., Guédron, S., Ungureanu, V.G., Amouroux, D. and Dominik J. Mercury methylation and trophic transfert in a reservoir contaminated by a chlor-alkaly plant : Babeni reservoir , poster presentation, ICHMET 15, Gdansk, Poland (19-23.10.2010).

  Huguet, L., Gimbert, F., Ferrari, B., Guédron, S., and Dominik J. In situ mercury and methylmercury bioaccumulation kinetic in benthic invertebrates, Venice Lagoon Italy, poster presentation, ICHMET 15, Gdansk, Poland (19-23.10.2010).

  Tołwińska, H., Guédron, S., Liu, B., Szalińska1, E. and Dominik, J. - Mercury in Lower Reach Sediments of the Biala Tarnowska River, poster presentation, ICHMET 15, Gdansk, Poland (19-23.10.2010).

  Harris-Hellal J., Locatelli A., Guédron S., Huguet L., Joulian C., Liu B., Burnol A., Garrido F., Laperche V., and Battaglia-Brunet F., 2010, Iron and sulphur biogeochemical processes involved in arsenic and mercury mobility in aquifers under anoxic conditions, oral presentation, International Society for Microbial Ecology, Seattle, USA (22-27.08. 2010)

  Ariztegui D., Guédron S., Coianiz L., and Piovano E., 2010, Tracking recurring drought/wet intervals and human impact over subtropical South America since the end of the Little Ice Age using Hg content in sediments. AGU conference – The meeting of the Americas, Foz Do Iguassu, Brazil (8-13.08.2010)

  Liu B., Haiyu Y., Guédron S., Feng X., Dominik J., 2010, Mercury biogeochemistry in polluted Baihua Reservoir, China. SETAC conference, Seville, Spain (23-27.05.2010).

  Guédron S., Vignati D. A. and Dominik J., 2009, Partitioning of total mercury and methylmercury between colloids and true solution in overlying and interstitial waters (Lake Geneva). Poster presentation. 7th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Neuchâtel, Suisse (20 – 21.11.2009). Sumposium1. Water across (scientific) boundaries.

  Guedron S., Grimaldi M., Cossa D., and Charlet L. - Tailing ponds in industrial and small scale gold mines as sources of methylmercury for hydrosystems in French Guiana, oral presentation. International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant- Guiyang, China (7-12.06.2009).

  Polya D., Charlet L., Chounlamany S., Guédron S., Lawson M., Lythgoe P.R., Molton F., Phawadee N. and Spadini L. – Arsenic hazard in shallow groundwaters in Lao PDR (Laos) - Poster - GSA Annual Meeting - Portland, USA (18-21 October 2009).

  Gimbert F., Ferrari B.J.D., Geffard A., Guédron S., and Dominik J. - Kinetics of mercury subcellular fractionation in Chironomus riparius , oral presentation - 14th International Symposium on Toxicity Assessment – Metz, France (29.08-11.09.2009).

  Guédron S., Charlet L., Grimaldi M., and Cossa D.- Dissolved methyl mercury production in gold-mines vs tropical artificial reservoirs (French Guiana), oral presentation. International Conference on Geo-Environmental engineering (7th Japan-Korean-French Seminar) Grenoble, France (22-24.05.2007).

  Guédron S., Grimaldi M., Cossa D., and Charlet L. - Mobilization of dissolved, particulate and methyl mercury in former gold-mined watershed in French Guiana - Oral Presentation, International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant- Madison, USA (6-11.08.2006).

  Guédron S., Grimaldi C., Chauvel C., Spadini L. and Grimaldi M. - Mercury of atmospheric origin in French Guiana soils - Poster presentation - XIIth International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environnement (Grenoble, 29.05.2004).