Julia de SIGOYER

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Professor since 2013 at Université Grenoble Alpes, ISTerre, UFR Phitem
Research Profil : Geodynamic- Tectonic- Petrologie-Archaeoseismology

Laboratory : ISTerre, UGA, BP53, F-38041 Grenoble cedex 9
Tel. : (+33) 476 635 212 / 684 14 28 92
Fax : (+33) 476 635 252
E-mail : julia.de-sigoyer[at]univ-grenoble-alpes.fr

On going project : 2019-25 PI ANR Basilzinik’s Secrets https://basiliznik-secrets.osug.fr/
projection of a documentary on my research project : Iznik the secrets of the sunken basilica on France 5 television, replay : https://www.france.tv/documentaires/science-sante/5574882-iznik-les-mysteres-de-la-basilique-engloutie.html
[Conférence] Sciences de la Terre, archéologie… Une histoire commune ? dans le cadre des Echappées Inattendues CNRS
12 juin 2024 au Muséum de Grenoble et le 13 juin 2023 au Musée archéologique du lac de Paladru

Et si l’analyse de vestiges archéologiques apportait aux géologues des indices sur l’activité tectonique passée ? Ou si celle du champ magnétique aidait à la datation de céramiques anciennes ? Et que dire de l’empreinte persistante des activités minières des civilisations anciennes dans nos cours d’eau ? Découvrez comment un objet d’étude peut se retrouver à la croisée de différentes disciplines et donner lieu à des synergies entre scientifiques venant d’horizons différents.

Professional career
 Oct 2020 - Professor of Universités (1ère cl) at University Grenoble Alpes, ISTerre UMR5275
 Sept 2013 - Professor of Universités (2ème cl) at University Grenoble Alpes, ISTerre UMR5275
 2000-13 - Assistant professor (2ème cl) at Geology Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris.
 1998-2000 - Post Doc- Bern & Neuchâtel Universities ( I. Villa & T. Nägler ; D. Marquer).

 10 Déc. 2012 Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches « Continental convergence on different time scales » ENS, congratulations of the Jury
 1995/98 - Doctorate Lyon I : " Exhumation mechanisms of HP-BT rocks, in a continental convergence context (Tso Morari, NW Himalaya)", 18/12/1998, dir. Guillot S. Lardeaux JM. congratulations of the Jury.
 1994/95 Master " Geodynamics of continental margins and mountain ranges ", University Grenoble I (UJF) : " Tectonometamorphic study of the eclogites of the Tso Morari dome, (Ladakh, Himalaya)". 1/24.
 1992/95 Magistère of earth sciences, Ecole Normale Supérieure Lyon, Bachelor-Master of earth sciences UJF Grenoble I.

Pedagogical and administrative responsibilities
1 Administrative responsabilities related to training

 Since 2020 Member of the Ecole Doctoral Sciences de la Terre, de l’Environnement et des Planètes.
 Sept 2017-Oct 2022 : Responsable for the Licence Mention Sciences de la Terre et de l’Environnement STE UGA (L1, L2, L3 parcours STE, et L2-L3 parcours PSTEM (Physique, Sciences Terre Environnement Mécanique)), around140 students/year, with a teaching team of 30 research professors from CNU sections 35,36,37.
 2019-2021 Drafting of the HCERES self-assessment file for the STE Bachelor’s degree and the STE Bachelor’s degree accreditation model (accreditation 2021-2025).
 2015-17 : Responsible for the first year of the UGA STE Licence 50 students/year
 2004-07 Deputy Director of Studies for the 3rd year Bachelor’s degree and 1st year Master’s degree in Earth Sciences at ENS Ulm Paris, 30 students/year
 2000-12 Director of studies for the Licence 3, Master 1 (depending on the year) and Diploma in Earth Sciences at ENS Paris, 15 students/year. These administrative responsibilities represented 30% of my teaching activity.

2 Local responsibilities and mandates
 Oct 2021-June 2023 Elected representative on the PHITEM (Physics @ Earth Sciences) UFR (Unity of Formation & Research) Council. Member of the teachers’ commission. In charge of the grade advancement commission, CRCT-Délégation.
 Sept 2020-June 2023 UFR PHITEM representative on the Faculty of Science Council
 June 2022-June 2023 UFR PHITEM delegate to the Faculty of Science Human Ressources commission Preparation of PEDR, RIPEC, (premiums) promotions, qualifications, repyramiding (prof position for assistant prof) evaluations for research professors.
 2017-21 Member of the UFR PHITEM Council, the PHITEM Training Council.
 2017-21 Member of the UGA DLST Council.
 2017-22 Member of the DLST UGA training team commission.
 2017-22 Member of the LabEx OSUG training commission (Commission for Labex proposal)
 2014-2016 Member of the Scientific Council of IPG (Institut de Physique du Globe) Paris.
 2008-2012 Member of the Geology Laboratory Board at ENS.
 2008-2012 Member of the ENS department council

3- National responsabilities and mandates

 11/2019-08/2023 Member appointed to CNU section 35 deputy. Evaluation of PEDR, RIPEC, promotions, qualifications, repyramidages of section 35 teacher-researchers.
 2006-2010 Vice-President of the BCPST ENS Paris entrance exam.

Research activity
Transform faults in the continental lithosphere bear witness to the Earth’s dynamics. They are the result of a succession of events that occur at of scale hundred millions of years to the second. My studies aim to understand how these major faults have been structures, by reconstructing these events using a variety of approaches. Initially, I focused on long-term deformation of the continental lithosphere (ten million years), with an emphasis on the fossil subduction zones (Himalayas, Papua New Guinea, Cyclades) and the limits of the Tibetan plateau (Himalayas, Longmen Shan). For the past 10 years, I have been developing and combining tools for the study of the seismic cycle of slow faults (at scale of thousands of years). To do this, I bring together a group of researchers from very different disciplines (sedimentology, geophysics, active tectonics, archaeology, psha). I chose the ancient city of Nicaea, close to the North Anatolian fault. In the lake, a buried world emerged, raising questions about the history of Christian civilization and the evolution of a city subject to seismic hazards, as echoed in the film " Iznik The Secrets of the Buried Basilica ".


– /A l’université Grenoble Alpes 1. Responsabilités administratives en lien avec la formation
Responsabilités administratives en lien avec la formation Depuis 2020 - Membre de l’Ecole Doctoral (…)

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1. Publications o 42 publications dans des revues de rang A, dont 23 en premier auteur ou dernière un de mes étudiants (en italique) ou PI du projet en dernière position. (Webofscience 39 (…)

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On going project : -2019-25 ANR BASILIZNIK-SECRETS
Research founding Total amount 3 186700 €, Amont of the project where I am PI1 108 700€, in bold in the list
Current projects : 2023-2027 (…)

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2023 "Iznik : the mysteries of the sunken basilica" Film Documentary Director of movie : Pascal Guérin, Productor : les Batelières Productions ISAN 0000-0005-B26D-0000-K-0000-0000-E. N° EM : (…)

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Research Supervision

Ph-D Supervisions All the PhD students I have supervised have found stable employment, except for two who are on post-docs. Most of the funding for the theses I have supervised has come from the (…)

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Detailed CV (EN)

Professional career Oct 2020 - Professor of University (1ère cl) at University Grenoble Alpes, ISTerre UMR5275 Sept 2013 - Professor of Universiy (2ème cl) at University Grenoble Alpes, ISTerre (…)

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Research Supervision (En)

Ph-D Supervisions All the PhD students I have supervised have found stable employment, except for two who are on post-docs. Most of the funding for the theses I have supervised has come from the (…)

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Research-Projects (FR)

Projet en cours : -2019-25 ANR BASILIZNIK-SECRETS
Financement de la recherche Montant Total 3 186700 €, Montant des projets que je coordonne 1 108 700€, en gras dans la liste Nouveau projet : (…)

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