Philippe GUEGUEN

Senior Researcher UGE/ISTerre - Directeur de Recherche UGE/ISTerre
PhD Seismology
Member of the Waves team at ISTerre

ISI-Web -3852-2012 ---- GoogleScholar ---- Full Curriculum Vitae

Urban seismology ... for earthquake-proof cities

Natural disasters usually hinder the achievement of objectives development linked with environment, education or economy.
Earthquakes stand out from other natural hazards : they account for around 15% of natural disasters worldwide, but are responsible for 78% of fatalities and 45% of economic losses (source EMDAT). Due to the global growth in population and the concentration of wealth and infrastructures in space-limited urban areas, even moderate earthquakes (M The existence of low-probability but high-consequence earthquakes (LPHC) illustrates the cognitive bias that sometimes leads (…)

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New Earthquake Data recorded in buildings (NDE1.0)

This flat-file contains information on earthquake responses of instrumented buildings.

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2018-2021 - Projet du Programme Interrégional du Massif des Alpes (POIA-FEDER), soutenu par les régions Sud, AURA et le CGET

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Earthquake losses flatfiles