Guillaume MORARD

Publication list

2020 [94] • Torchio, R., Boccato, S., Miozzi, F., Rosa, A.D., Ishimatsu, N., Kantor, I., Sevelin-Radiguet, N., Briggs, R., Irifune, T., and Morard, G. (2020) Melting curve and phase relations of (…)

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Professional activities

2019 : Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (Habilitation) 2011 : Research Scientist (CR1 since October 2016), Section 18 of CNRS, Institut de Minéralogie et de Physique des Milieux condensés, (…)

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Supervisor 2020- ... : Nicolas Jaisle, PhD student, UGA IDEX, "Magma Ocean in eXoplanets". Co-supervised with D.Cébron (ISTerre) and A.Rosa (ESRF) 2016-2019  : Francesca Miozzi, PhD student, ERC (…)

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Obtained fundings

2012-2016 ANR Planetlab (PI : S. Mazevet), responsible for IMPMC partner (102 000 euros)
2016 DIM Oxymore, funding of 18 months for a post-doctoral project (A. N. Clark)
2016-2021 ERC PlanetDive (…)

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Administrative tasks

2020- Chairman of the ESRF User Organization Committee 2020- Member of Research/Observation Council of the LabEx OSUG 2019- Member of the Peer Review Panel "High Pressure and Extreme Conditions" (…)

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2021-, Member of Organisation Comittee of "Les Houches" Doctoral School
March 2019, Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (Habilitation)
November 2017, Coordinator of a training school on (…)

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