
XMapTools 1.6.4 (August, 2013)

XMapTools is a program with graphical user interface for X-ray images processing (Lanari et al., 2013 Computers & Geosciences). XMapTools uses Castaing’s approach to transform the X-ray images in maps of oxide compositions (Wt%). Chemical zoning can be investigated using different modules (Chem2D, Triplot3D). XMapTools can be downloaded at : http://www.xmaptools.com. It is free for academic and research use, but requires a registration on this website. We hope that XMapTools will enrich your electron microprobe experience.


XMapTools 1.6.4 (August, 2013)
XMapTools is a program with graphical user interface for X-ray images processing (Lanari et al., 2013 Computers & Geosciences). XMapTools uses Castaing’s (…)

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