Bernet Matthias

  • Courriel : Matthias.Bernet
  • Téléphone : 04 76 51 40 75 - de l'étranger : +33 4 76 51 40 75
  • Bureau : 360 - TRB
  • Localisation : 1381 rue de la piscine, 38400, Saint Martin d'Heres

Statut : Enseignant-Chercheur

Equipe de recherche / Service : Tectonique reliefs et bassins

Voir en ligne : Matthias Bernet - homepage

I am an expert in low-temperature thermochronology, multi-disciplinary provenance analysis and sedimentology for studying the exhumation history of mountain belts and the evolution of sedimentary basins. My main study areas are the Northern Andes of Colombia and Venezuela, the European Alps, the Himalaya and the Tibetan Plateau. I am the scientific director of the geo- and thermochonology laboratory at ISTerre and I am the team leader of the Team TRB