Arndt Nicholas

Status : Chercheur

Research group / Service : Minéralogie et environnements

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NICHOLAS ARNDT was awarded a Ph.D. from the University of Toronto in Canada in 1975. Following a year in an Australian mineral exploration company and academic positions in the United States, Canada, Australia and Germany, he became a Professor at the Université de Rennes 1, France, in 1990. In 1998 he moved to the Université de Grenoble. His research interests include petrology and geochemistry of mafic and ultramafic rocks, magmatic ore deposits, and the early-Earth environment.
Professor Arndt’s professional activities include direction of an ICDP project “Scientific Drilling in the Barberton Belt” (2009- ), a Research Program of European Science Foundation “Archean Environment: the Habitat of Early Life” (2005-2010); member of the Science Committee of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (2008-2010); member of the Science Committee of CNRS Planetology Program (2009- ); President of the GMPV Division, European Geosciences Union (2011 - ); member of a Working Group on Raw Materials, French Ministry of Education; director of the European Ore Deposits Initiative. He is an ISI “Highly cited researcher”; Member of Academia Europaea; Elected fellow of the Geochemical Society; Senior member of the Institut Univérsitaire de France.