Research-entrepreneurs Challenge Competition 2018 : Camille Crouzet awarded

After its various trips to the regions, the Research-Entrepreneurs Challenge competition went to Paris on 22 November 2018 for its highly anticipated national final. Among 19 candidates, Camille Crouzet seduced the jury with her start-up Hymag’in.

Lauréats du concours Chercheurs-Entrepreneurs Challenge 2018
1er prix "Docteurs-Entrepreneurs" : Valérian Giesz, start-up Quandela ; Prix "Emergence" : Camille Crouzet, start-up Hymag’in ; Prix "Start-up connexion" : Fabrice Lallemand, start-up AFULudine ; 2ème prix "Docteurs-Entrepreneurs" : Vladimir Gauthier, CellSelect.

Organized by the AEF Info Group, the CNRS and the RNCD, the Researchers-Entrepreneurs Challenge competition brings together the Doctor-Entrepreneurs Challenge competition aimed at encouraging entrepreneurial spirit among doctoral students and the Start-up connection competition aimed at experienced researchers who have already created their start-up and wish to develop their place on the market.

For this 5th national final, the finalists from all over France pitched their projects for 3 minutes each in front of the audience and the jury [1], whose godmother is Florence Allouche. Founder in 2016 of the start-up Sparing Vision, which develops new treatments for degenerative retinal diseases, Florence Allouche is also an associate professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Paris-Descartes Faculty, and a member of the Investment Monitoring Committee responsible for preparing an annual report on the execution of investment programs and the results of their evaluation.

Camille Crouzet, a former doctoral student at the Institute of Earth Sciences, was awarded the Prix Émergence for his start-up company Hymag’in. This company aims to market high-performance magnetite, iron oxide Fe3O4, in industrial quantities and at low cost. This concept is made possible by the development of an innovative process for the production of magnetite by recycling ferrous waste from the steel industry. Among all the applications of interest, Hymag’in offers its high-performance magnetite primarily to water treatment operators for the removal of heavy metals and micropollutants.

[1Catherine Abonnenc, Communication Vice-President, Women Business Angels ;
Jean-René Bailly, Head of FiValor department, Plasseraud Start-up ;
Amandine Bugnicourt, CEO, Adoc Talent Management ;
Nicolas Carboni, CEO Deeptech, Bpifrance ;
Thomas Coudreau, President, National Network of Doctoral Colleges ;
Jean Deregnaucourt, former Director of Research Applications and Industrial Relations, Institut Pasteur ;
Laurence Duyck, Open innovation Manager, SAUR • François Enguehard, Director of Research Centres, Véolia ;
Cédric Favier, Investment Director, Elaïa Parnters ;
Laurent Kott, President, IT Translation ;
Monique Martinez, Vice-President, Réseau National des Collèges Doctoraux ;
Johanna Michielin, General Manager, CNRS Innovation ;
Philippe Tramoy, Partner, SEVENTURE PARTNERS.