Hugo Perfettini: a Life in Science

May 11, 2023

Hugo Perfettini was a leading researcher in the field of fault mechanics, and a beloved member of the ISTerre research community. From his early days as a PhD student at ENS Paris, via postdoctoral research positions in California, to IRD researcher in Toulouse, IRD Director of Research at ISTerre, and with eventful and extensive missions to Peru and Algeria, Hugo’s contributions touched many people in life and science.

To fully celebrate Hugo and his many achievements, we will host a day of talks from former friends, colleagues, and collaborators from across the world, discussing their many and colorful experiences working alongside Hugo. The aim is to follow Hugo’s scientific progression from humble PhD student to leading researcher in the field of fault mechanics, and how his contributions advanced science, as well as touching us on a personal level.

Please join us in this celebration of Hugo Perfettini: a Life in Science, which will take place in Kilian Amphitheatre on 11th May 2023 (buffet lunch provided). All presentations (in-person and zoom) will be recorded, and hosted on a website in tribute to Hugo’s impressive career.

Useful information