Field analysis natural waters & sediments

The Geochemistry-Mineralogy PlatformAnalytical Chemistry has techniques for in situ analysis of redox-sensitive elements present in natural waters (rivers, lakes, aquifers). Other methods apply to analysis of oxic or anoxic sediments.


Field AnalysisType
Framework for use Apparatus used in the framework of research projects at ISTerre and OSUG, or in the framework of external services.
Physico-chemical parameters of the water :
Eh, pH, T °C, Conductivity, O2
Two WTW multi 340 i :
 Eh : Platinum-tipped electrode
 pH & T °C : SenTix 41 electrode
 Conductivity : TetraCon 325 probe
 O2 : OXICAL-SL probe
Depth reached : 3m maximum.
Redox sensitive elements :
Fe2+, Fe3+, S2-
Spectrophotometers (HACH DR2010 and DR850) Colorimetric methods :
Fe2+, Fe3+ (o-phenantroline and ferrozine),
S2- (methylene blue)
Alkalinity Gran’s method
In anoxic sediments :
Measurement of AVS (Acid Volatile Sulfides) & Simultaneously Extracted Metals (SEM)
System developed at ISTerre.
Soil Reflectance Measurement Spectrophotometer Konica Minolta CM-2600d
Tools Manager(s) Delphine Tisserand
04 76 63 51 87

Martine Lanson
04 76 51 40 78