Microfluorescence X

Non-destructive elemental analysis technique used to identify and quantify all the elements from Na in very diverse samples : powders, liquids, solids. It is also possible to carry out chemical mapping.

Microfluorescence X EDAX EAGLE III
Framework of use Device used in the framework of projects at ISTerre, in collaboration with laboratories of the Grenoble Observatory or external laboratories.
Elements analysed From sodium to uranium (Z= 11 to 92).
Technical specifications Technical data : Source : Rh 40W (maximum potential for use : 40 kV – 1mA)

X-ray optics :
 Polycapillary : probe size of 50µm,
 Varispot : adjustable probe size from 30 to 300µm.

Detector EDAX Si(Li) 30mm² :
 Energy resolution : 141.2eV (Mn Kalpha)
 Limits of quantification : <100ppm pour le Ni, Zn. For the other elements, see the PDF document.

Large sample chamber (Ø 330 mm x 350 mm)
Possible types of analyses : Qualitative, semi-quantitative analysis in standard, quantitative mode with standards or by calibration curves,
Concentration profile,
Chemical mapping (up to several cm²).
Persons in charge of the tool
Associate team

Scientific manager :

 Dr. Manuel Munoz
04 76 51 40 54

Technical Manager :

 Valérie Magnin
04 76 51 40 78