Spectroscopie FTIR

Page author: Valérie Magnin.

Equipment allowing the analysis of the vibration modes of molecules in the middle infrared (4000 - 400 cm-1) in transmission and attenuated total reflectance (ATR mode with a diamond crystal). The analysis of liquid samples is possible thanks to a specific cell in transmission but also in ATR mode (Ge crystal). The coupling of this spectrometer with our thermogravimetric analyzer (ATG) will allow to follow the gaseous products resulting from the thermal decomposition of various samples by adding a heated gas cell and a heated transfer line that link the two equipments.


FTIR spectrometer
Model Nicolet iS50
Thermo Scientific
Technical specifications Types of samples : solid, liquid, gas samples (coupling with TGA)
- Measurement in the IR medium : 4000 - 400 cm-1
 Source MIR Polaris
 Dynamic alignment Michelson interferometer
 Separator KBr with Germanium coating
 Detector: DLaTGS with window in KBr
 Integrated ATR module with diamond crystal
 2 liquid exchange cells:

  • specific cell for transmission,
  • specific cell for ATR mode with Ge crystal

- Possible coupling with TGA for the analysis of gaseous thermal decomposition products

Persons in charge of the tool

Associated team

Scientific manager :

 Alejandro Fernandez-Martinez
04 76 63 51 97

Technical manager :

 Valérie Magnin
04 76 51 40 78