Tandem LIBS–LA–ICP–MS laboratory

Responsible: Valentina Batanova, Adrien Vezinet
Operators: Valentina Batanova, Adrien Vezinet, Julien Leger

Reservation LA-ICP-MS

The first system, which combines an excimer laser with a flux divided between a multicollector (Mc-ICP-MS) and a triple quadruple ICP MS and a Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectrometer (LIBS). The system is capable of simultaneously analyzing major, minor, trace elements and their isotopes, including volatiles, with a spatial resolution of up to 5 micrometers.

The tandem LIBS-laser ablation (LA) system can be connected to each instrument for a single stream LIBS–LA–ICP–MS analyses or to both instruments for tandem LIBS–LA split stream analyses (LIBS–LASS)

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