ERC WHISPER : Seismic ambient noise

*** Towards continuous monitoring of the continuously changing Earth.

Duration : 2009 - 2015
Project FP7 ERC Advanced grant 227507
Coordinator : Michel Campillo
ISTerre research team involved : Waves and structures
External collaboration : IPGP (Institut de physique du globe de Paris).
Observation of precursors to the June 2000 eruption of the Piton de la Fournaise volcano (Brenguier et al., 2008). Seismic velocities within the volcanic edifice decrease in response to pre-eruptive dilatation (right panel).


The Whisper project focuses on the use of the seismic ambient noise to monitor slight changes of properties in the solid Earth. The implications are the detection of change of strain at depth with applications in different contexts. A major field of application is the monitoring of potentially dangerous structures like volcanoes or active fault zones. The project includes new methodological developments, massive processing of existing data and field experiments. Applications in regions where changes are induced by human activity are important both for the quantitative refinement of the method and for the important economic and social implications of these problems.

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