
Duration : 2015-2019

Coordinator : Anne Paul

ISTerre research teams involved :

External collaboration :

  • France : IPGS, GéoAzur, ISTEP, LGLTPL Lyon, Géosciences Rennes, ISTO, Chrono-Environnements Besançon, IPGP
  • Europe : ETH Zürich (CH), Univ. Lausanne (CH), GFZ (ALL), Freie Universität Berlin (ALL), Univ. Bochum (ALL), Univ. Kiel (ALL), Univ. Postdam (ALL), Univ. Karlsruhe (ALL), LMU München (ALL), Univ. Wien (AUT), Acad. of Sci. of the Czech Rep. Prague (CZ), INGV (IT), OGS Trieste (IT), ELTE Univ. Budapest (HUN), Univ. Warsaw (POL), ...)

The start of the AlpArray-FR project (siting and installation of the first temporary stations) is funded by LabEx OSUG@2020 (Investissements d’avenir – ANR10 LABX56) and ISTerre (2014 calls).

AlpArray-FR is funded by ANR starting from 1 October 2015 for 5 years (project ANR-15-CE31-0015).