UNDERVOLC project : Understanding volcanic processes

***Understanding volcanic processes : Towards Eruption Prediction and Risk Mitigation, an application to Piton de la Fournaise, la Reunion.

Duration : 2009 - 2014
Contact at ISTerre : Florent Brenguier
ISTerre research team involved : Waves and structures
External collaborations :

UnderVolc is a joint project between IPGP (Paris and OVPF), LGIT, BRGM and Parc National de la Réunion. Our goal is to improve our understanding of volcanic processes such as mechanism of volcanic unrest, dike propagation, temporal evolution of eruptions, rock falls linked to volcanic activity.

Our goal is also to improve the forecasting of volcanic eruptions and volcanic hazard mitigation. We will focus on the active (1 eruption per year on average) Piton de la Fournaise volcano on La Réunion island. During this 3 year project, we will deploy a broadband seismological network as well as a GPS network, both complementary to the permanent network ran by the Piton de la Fournaise Volcanological Observatory (OVPF).


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