Historical sketch


The ’geodynamo team’ was created in 1997 within the LGIT (Laboratoire de Géophysique Interne et Tectonophysique).
It became a team of ISTerre in 2011 when LGIT and LGCA (Laboratoire de Géologie des Chaînes Alpines) merged to form ISTerre (Institut des Sciences de la Terre).

Originally built on three CNRS researchers on move from Paris (H-C. Nataf, D. Jault and Ph. Cardin), it gradually expanded, counting 9 researchers in 2021.
The Academy of Sciences has awarded the prix Ampère de l’Electricité de France 2021 to the geodynamo team.

Grand Prix Ampère

Travel back in time to 2008 to enjoy the interviews of several members of the Geodynamo team, and the virtual exploration of some of our experiments, beautifully conducted by CNRS-images.

Click on the links above to list our former graduate students, post-docs, team members, and visitors.

Bike picknick - october 2020
Autrans 2017 : the 20th anniversary of the geodynamo team with most of the doctors formed in the team
Part of Geodynamo team - March 2012
Geodynamo Team - June 2011

The main focus of the geodynamo team is on observing, understanding and modeling the dynamics of the Earth’s core and the generation of its magnetic field.

To achieve this goal, it combines theoretical, observational, numerical and experimental approaches.

A landmark laboratory experiment of the geodynamo team was the DTS (Derviche Tourneur Sodium) experiment.

Décès de Denys Schmitt

C’est avec une grande tristesse que nous vous faisons part du décès de Denys Schmitt, survenu le 10 août 2015, à l’âge de 65 ans. Denys avait rejoint l’équipe géodynamo d’ISTerre en 2005, et était parti à la retraite en octobre 2012. C’est un collègue et un ami cher que nous perdons.
Retrouvez dans cette page la liste des ses publications, ainsi que le programme de la journée scientifique organisée en son hommage le 15 mars 2016.

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Death of Denys Schmitt

It is with great sadness that we share with you the death of Denys Schmitt, who passed away on August 10, 2015, at the age of 65. Denys joined the ISTerre geodynamo team in 2005, and retired in October 2012. It is a colleague and a dear friend that we are losing.
On this page you will find a list of his publications, as well as the programme of the scientific day organised in his honour on 15 March 2016.

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