RISVAL : Seismic risks and alpine vulnerability

From seismic hazards to the vulnerability of buildings and infrastructure in Alpine valleys :

Duration : 2017 - 2020

Funding : €1.6M (FEDER - INTERREG cross-border Franco-Italian ALCOTRA - Part 2 : Better managed environment)

Project leader : Massimo Broccolato (Autonomous region of the Aoste Valley )

ISTerre research team :
 Waveforms and structures

ISTerre contact : Olivier Coutant

Partners :
  France : University of Grenoble-Alpes (ISTerre), CNRS (Lab: Geosciences Azur), BRGM‐Aix en Provence, CEREMA-Nice, Entente‐Valabre/PONT Geomatic and risk
  Italy : Région Autonome De la Vallée d’Aoste, Région Piémont, ARPA Piémont


Context :

The Franco-Italian border Alps are characterized by moderate seismic hazards and frequent seismic activity, generally weak in magnitude. Despite the rare occurence of destructive earthquakes in this region, every thirty or so years there is a heightened risk of dangerous seismic activity. As a result, appropriate response methods need to be identified for this Alpine Valley in order to deal with the potential consequences of such an event on local populations, economies, and environments.

Planning and organizing emergency care for populations faced with major seismic events has been widely discussed in both France and Italy and benefits from wider knowledge and experiences studied for other natural catastrophes. Nevertheless, it is important to understand the specific vulnerabilities of Alpine buildings and infrastructure on both sides of the border, and strategic measures to rapidly rebuild post-catastrophe.

Objectives :

The RISVAL project seeks to bolster the region’s monitoring operations and rapid seismic typification, as well as promoting the development of shared tools for the assessment of building vulnerability.

RISVAL, in pursuit of corporate participation :

The RISVAL partnership has been made possible thanks to the involvement of various partners in the ALCTORA project’s most recent initiatives concerning seismic risks. This project wishes to draw attention to the wealth of ressources and contributions from partners on both sides of the Alpine border, which have led to significant developments in responding to operational needs expressed by regional authorities.

 In practice : The RISE and CASSAT projects’ ShakeMaps may be implemented and improved upon, while rapid damage assessment will make use of prior developments from the Interreg projects in the Pyrenean mountain ranges ;

 The Risknat and Risknet experiments will also be emphasized, especially concerning the tools and methodologies chosen for the organization of transdisciplinary workshops used to identify infrastructural vulnerabilities, or problems associated with the "return to normal" following a seismic event.

 Previously acquired data will be added to shared databases. A Franco-Italian convention was ratified under the RISE project in order to create a long-term solution for data exchange. RISVAL will depend on this convention to guarantee the sustainability of certain projects, particularly the rapid damage assessment module.

 The project also aims to produce naturally sustainable results, including the development of innovative methods for the identification and monitoring of infrastructural vulnerability, as well as training and awareness initiatives.