GIS - Geophysical instrumentations


The mission of the "GIS - Geophysical Instrumentations" service is to provide support and technical expertise
i) to ISTerre laboratory research projects related to instrumentation,
ii) toINSU National Observation services and resources for which ISTerre has local (*) or national (°) responsibility (ST-ANO-2/RLBP(*)/RAP(*°), ST-ANO-3/RENAG(*°), ST-ANO-5/OMIV(*°),SisMob(°),
iii) the management of the platform G-Proge (geophysical instruments for teaching and research).

The GI service is organised in two parts. A part that we call "observations" which includes the management and management of actions and projects in connection with SNOs, national resources, G-Proge, as well as all research projects involving geophysical field instrumentation. And a second part, which we call "experimentation", which takes charge of, designs and develops experiments related to the instrumentation performed in the laboratory.

For the observation component, the main tasks cover: the design of observation infrastructures, installation, maintenance, and updating of the instrumental park dedicated to the National Observation Services of INSU in which ISTerre participates. This represents an instrumentation spread over an area from the Haute Savoie to the Alpes de Hautes Provence. This distributed instrumentation includes about 80 measurement points.

The expertise of the "GIS - Geophysical Instrumentations" department in this field is also used for research projects involving geophysical field measurements. These missions are varied in time (duration of observation) and number (depending on the projects in progress). In recent years, the service has supported more than a hundred semi-permanent measurement points (duration > 6 months).

In both cases, the service defines methods and implements protocols to ensure the completeness and quality of the geophysical data collected and its routing to national data centres for dissemination to the scientific and public communities (RESIF).

In addition, the GIS department is involved in the management of the national park of mobile seismological instruments of the INSU,SisMob. This instrument park (EQUIPEX RESIF) provides the national scientific community with several hundred seismological stations (broadband and medium band, nodal). Its objective is to allow the collection of seismological data in the absence of or in addition to observatories.

Finally, in this "Observation" section, the "GIS - Geophysical Instrumentations" department also manages ISTerre’s geophysical prospecting instrumental park G-Proge, dedicated to teaching and research projects.

Concerning the "Experiments" component, this part of the service ensures all the life phases of projects related to instrumental experiments in the laboratory. These phases are: the expression of the need with the scientists, the drafting of the specifications, the design, the development, the research and the collaboration with the subcontractors, the assembly of the experiments, the follow-up of the life of these instrumental means, the drafting of the documents and the assistance in the exploitation of the instruments. These actions use the mechanical, electronic and instrumentation skills of the technical team.

Technical skills

To carry out these missions successfully, the members of the service master the following skills:
 scientific instrumentation, and in particular geophysical data acquisition
 deployment and management of scientific instruments in isolated environments
 autonomous power supply (ie: solar generator)
 signal processing
 computer programming
 seismology / geodesy

Contact the service?

Send an email to isterre-sig[AT]

How do I request support?

Send an email to : isterre-sig-ticket[AT]
The requests are then integrated into the service’s ticket system.

last updated on 17/04/2019