ISTerre MicroAnalytical Platform IMAP

Supported by ERC synergy grant MEET (80%), and CNRS and Region (20%)

 Scientific responsible (director) of the platform: Alexander Sobolev
 Coordination / management: Valentina Batanova
 Steering committee: V. Batanova, M. Bernet, F. Brunet, C. Gautheron, E. Janots, J. Leger, F-X. Mevel, P. Roux, A. Sobolev, A.Vezinet, P. Beck

Policies for Academic users – Acknowledgements

IMAP reservation procedure

IMAP presentation poster


Electron microprobe laboratory : EPMA JEOL FEG JXA-iHP200F

Responsible: Valentina Batanova
Operators: Valentina Batanova, Valérie Mangin, Julien Leger

The JXA-iHP200F is an electronic field emission microprobe, the latest generation of JEOL microprobes. It makes it possible to go directly from observation by optical and electronic images to analysis with wavelength dispersion (WDS), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), cathodoluminescence (CL) and to perform quantitative analyzes of submicron particles for elements ranging from B to U with detection limits of the order of 10 ppm.

Laboratory LA-ICP-MS : Split Stream Tandem LA-MC-ICP-MS/ICP-MS-MS/LIBS system

Responsible: Valentina Batanova, Adrien Vezinet, Julien Leger
Operators: Valentina Batanova, Adrien Vezinet, Julien Leger

The first system, which combines an excimer laser with a flux divided between a multicollector (Mc-ICP-MS) and a triple quadruple ICP MS and a Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectrometer (LIBS). The system is capable of simultaneously analyzing major, minor, trace elements and their isotopes, including volatiles, with a spatial resolution of up to 5 micrometers.

RAMAN Microscopy Laboratory Horiba LABRAM Soleil

LabRAM Soleil Horiba Scientific RAMAN microscope

Responsible: Valérie Mangin

• multimodal confocal imaging
• Three-laser wavelengths: 473 nm, 532 nm and 638 nm
• Single point analysis
• Multipoint analysis
• Profile analysis
• 3D mapping
• Any type of samples (solids, liquids, gazes)

Micro-sample preparation laboratory

Laboratory equipment is designed for: manual mineral separation; epoxy coating; manual preparation of polished epoxy frames; carbon coating for EPMA and electron microscope; microthermometric study of fluid inclusions.

Contacts : Katia Diadkina , Valérie Magnin,
Julien Leger