Statut : Inactif

Equipe de recherche / Service : Géophysique des Risques et de l Environnement

Voir en ligne : Profil Linkedin de Mathieu Le Breton


  • 2016-2019 : Doctorate, Grenoble University (ISTerre), in Geophysics.
  • 2015 : Master, Sorbonne University, in Applied Geophysics.
  • 2008 : Master, Toulouse School of Management, in Innovation Management.
  • 2008 : Master/Ingénieur, Toulouse University (INSA), in Applied Physics.


  • Best poster presentation award, Rock-Slope Stability Symposium, 2018.
  • Outstanding Student Poster and Pico Award, EGU General Assembly, 2018.

Peer-Reviewed Papers

  • M. Le Breton, L. Baillet, E. Larose, E. Rey, P. Benech, D. Jongmans, F. Guyoton, M. Jaboyedoff ; Passive Radio-Frequency Identification Ranging, a Dense and Weather-Robust Technique for Landslide Displacement Monitoring. Accepted and revised, Engineering Geology.
  • M. Le Breton, L. Baillet, E. Larose, E. Rey, P. Benech, D. Jongmans, F. Guyoton ; Outdoor UHF RFID : Phase Stabilization for Real-World Applications. IEEE Journal of Radio Frequency Identification 1, 279–290 (2017).
  • A. Revil, M. Murugesy, M. Prasad, M. Le Breton ; Alteration of volcanic rocks : A new non-intrusive indicator based on induced polarization measurements. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 341, 351–362 (2017).
  • A. Revil, M. Le Breton, Q. Niu, E. Wallin, E. Haskins, D.M. Thomas ; Induced polarization of volcanic rocks. 2. Influence of pore size and permeability. Geophys J Int 208, 814–825 (2017).
  • A. Revil, M. Le Breton, Q. Niu, E. Wallin, E. Haskins, D.M. Thomas ; Induced polarization of volcanic rocks – 1. Surface versus quadrature conductivity. Geophys J Int 208, 826–844 (2017).

International Conference Proceedings

  • M. Le Breton, L. Baillet, E. Larose, E. Rey, P. Benech, D. Jongmans, F. Guyoton ; Landslide Displacement Tracking using Radio-Frequency Identification. in 4th International Symposium Rock Slope Stability, Chambéry 73-74 (2018)
  • M. Le Breton, L. Baillet, E. Larose, E. Rey, P. Benech, D. Jongmans, F. Guyoton ; Outdoor meteorological effects on UHF RFID phase shift : Experimental simulations. in IEEE Int. Conf. on RFID (RFID) 103–109 (2017).

Oral communications

  • Rock Slope Stability Symposium, Chambéry, 2018.
    Received the Best Poster Award.
  • WEGENER General Assembly, Grenoble, 2018.
  • JNGG, Champs sur Marne, 2018.
  • European Geoscience Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2018 ;
    Received the Outstanding Poster Award.
  • ISTerre PhD student congress, near Grenoble, 2016 + 2017 + 2018.
  • Géolithe Technical Seminary, Crolles, 2018.
  • Vulnérabilité des Ouvrages aux Risques (VOR) scientific day, Grenoble, 2018.
  • RFID Day, CNRS GDR Ondes GT4, Valence, 2018.
  • CNRS GDR Ondes General Assembly, Sophia-Antipolis, 2017.
  • IEEE International Conference on RFID, Phoenix, USA, 2017.


  • Musician. Accordion and voice on about 50 paid shows.
  • Speak Portuguese, Spanish, French and English.
  • Founder and president of the EAGE student chapter of UPMC, Paris, 2014.