

 Mercier J., Braun J., Van Der Beek P., Beyssac O., Batt G., Riel N. (2014) Structure and propagation sequence of the western Nepal fold-and-thrust belt : new insights from field mapping, thermochronology and numerical modelling. Vol. 16 EGU2014.
 Riel N. & Mercier J. (2014) Can a partially molten metasedimentary sequence convect ? Insights from the El Oro Complex (Ecuador) and 1D thermal modelling. Vol. 16 EGU2014.


 Van Der Beek P., Robert X., Mercier J., Braun J. (2012) Tectonic control on topo- graphic and exhumational segmentation of the Himalaya. Vol. 14 EGU2012


 Mercier J., Herman F., Charreau J. (2010) Sedimentary mass flux across the Tien- Shan (central Asia) since Miocene and tectonic setting : a numerical study. Vol. 12 EGU2010