Laurence AUDIN

Directrice de Recherche IRD / HDR / Active Tectonics
Bureau 2e - Isterre
laurence.audin @ /
laurence.audin @

Active deformation, Paleo & Archeoseismicity, Tectonic Geomorphology, Quaternary dating, Coastal uplift (Latin America, Mexico, France, Polynesia, East Africa....

Recent Publications

Projects, PI and CoIlaboration

  • Peru & France, RESHIST@AURA-UGA International : Earthquake and Heritage at risk
  • Peru, Risk@UGA and @MITI CNRS Archeoseismicity, Paleoseismicity
  • Ecuador, LMI SVAN@IRD : International Laboratory- "Séismes et Volcans"
  • Latin America, OLLIN-Fault2SHA, UNESCO, Seismogenic faults & hazards
  • France, FREMTEIL @ INSU, FACT@RESIF - Alpes du Nord, French Active Faults
  • Colombia, Peru, Mexico : Active Tectonics, ECOS International
  • Chile, Archeoenvironment and Landscape, IRP CNRS, ECOS International

ISTerre team
1 - Cycle sismique et déformations transitoires
2 - Tectonique, Reliefs et Bassins

Link to the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement

Some Publications

Some of our recent publications as an international team, focusing on Peruvian, Ecuadorian or French crustal deformation, active tectonics or gravitationnal processes. Perspectives for Mexico, Colombia and Chile in Latin America.

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Post docs and PhD Students

– Post Docs 2021-2023 A. Taillefer, IRD - ISTerre, Univ. Grenoble Alpes 2021-2023 N. Harrichhausen, CNES - ISTerre, Univ. Grenoble Alpes 2021-2022 L. Pousse, MIAI - ISTerre, Univ. Grenoble Alpes (Now IRD, Fr) 2019-2022 C. Litty, CNES - ISTerre, Univ. Grenoble Alpes (Now IGN, Swiss) 2016-2018 S. Zerathe, CNES - ISTerre, Univ. Grenoble Alpes (Now IRD, Fr) 2012-2014 J. Champenois, CNES - ISTerre, Univ. J.Fourier Grenoble (Now CEA, Fr) PhDs 2023-2026 T. Lallemand, co-dir. A. Quiquerez, S. (…)

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