Past & current collaborations

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– E. Alecian, IPAG
– J. M. Aurnou, UCLA
– J. Boisson, ENSTA
– J. Bouvier, (…)

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Journal publications

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Detailed CV with my publications : PDF
- 2024 -
53. Modal Acoustic Velocimetry in non-stationary flows - Part 1 : Acquisition strategies
H.-C. Nataf, P. Roux, S. Su, P. Cardin, D. Cébron, Y. Do,
In prep.
52. Dissipation of the inner core’s translational oscillation
P. Personnettaz, D. Cébron, N. Schaeffer, M. Mandea,
In prep.
51. Compaction-driven convection in the growing inner core
K. W. Lim, R. Deguen, D. Cébron, A. Schulze, M. Mandea,
Geophysical Research (…)

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Popular science publications

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3. Une plongée dans les entrailles de la lune J. Gattacceca, D. Cébron, M. Wieczorek L’astronomie, 129, July 2019. 2. Le magnétisme de la Lune D. Cébron, M. Le Bars, M. Wieczorek, Pour la Science, 424, February 2013. 1. Un pendule de Foucault fluide J. Boisson, D. Cébron, F. Moisy, P.P. Cortet, Reflets de la Physique, 21, p. 22, 2012. jpg/pls.jpg png/largepreview.png

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Research interests

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Combining theory, simulations and laboratory experiments, I investigate fluid dynamics with a focus on planetary liquid cores. I thus consider magnetic fields, temperature variations, and weakly non-spherical fluid domains. I am particularly interested by the influence of the orbital forcings (tides, precession, libration) and topographic effects at the Core-Mantle-Boundary (CMB). Planetary magnetic fields Paleomagnetic data from our ANR MagLune, led by J. Gattacceca, confirm (…)

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Each year since 2014, I teach 24h of M2 lectures of Geophysical fluid dynamics. My lecture notes, written with J. Vidal (former student of this Master), cover : Chapter 1 - Rotating fluids Chapter 2 - Stratified fluids Chapter 3 - Linear hydrodynamic stability (parallel shear flows) Chapter 4 - Gravitational effects in rotating fluids Chapter 5 - Thermal convection I (linear study) Chapter 6 - Thermal convection II (weakly non-linear study) Chapter 7 - Turbulence (…)

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Oral communications

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Invited talks & seminars
17. ENS Lyon seminar. ENS Lyon, France, March 19, 2019.
Beyond the convection dynamo paradigm
16. Doctoral training on internal Earth. Les Houches, France, October 25-26, 2018.
Two lectures on Geomagnetism
15. Lagrange (Obs. Cote d’Azur), seminar, Nice, France, February 21, 2018.
Magnetic fields driven by tides and precession in planets or stars
14. Troisième Atelier PLATO/FRANCE, Montpellier, France. January 24-25, 2017.
Dynamo triggered by (…)

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