

Braucher R., Blard P.H., Brown E.T., Carcaillet J., Lebatard A.E., Siame L., Simon Q., Thouveny N., Aumaître G., Bard E., Carretier S., Cornu S., Fink D., Finkel R., German C., Godard V., Gosse J., Hamelin B., Hofmann F.M., Jomelli V., Keddadouche K., Kurz M.D., Matmon A., Palacios D., Measures C., Merchel S., Regard V., Schimmelpfennig I., Von Blanckenburg F., Zerathe S. 2021.
Didier L. Bourlès (1955–2021), the 5 MV cosmogenic rock star. Quaternary Geochronology, 65, 101186

A ranked publications

Delgado F, Zerathe S., Schwartz S., Gaidzik K., Robert X., Carcaillet J. Benavente C. Aster TEAM. Pleistocene chronicles of large landslides triggering on the western flank of the Central Andes revealed by cosmogenic nuclide dating. Journal of South American Earth Sciences
Courtial-Manent L., Mugnier JL., Ravanel L., Carcaillet J., Deline Ph., Buoncristiani JF. A more than threefold increase in the number of rockfalls since the Little Ice Age in the Mont-Blanc massif, inferred from 10Be concentrations and rockfall inventories. Earth and Planetary Science Letters

A73 - Guzman O., Mugnier JL, Vassallo R., Koçi R., Carcaillet J., Jouanne F. 2023. Fluvial terrace formation in mountainous areas : (1) Influence of climate changes during the last glacial stage in Albania. Comptes Rendus Géoscience - Sciences de la Terre, 355, 331-353.
A72 - Noriega-Londoño S., Restrepo-Moreno S. Marín-Cerón M.I., Carcaillet J., Bernet M., Angel I. Erosion rate and morphogenesis of the Peñol de Guatapé inselberg, Northern Andes, Colombia deduced from geomorphic analyses and 10Be cosmogenic nuclides. Journal of South American Earth Sciences
A71 - Rosell L., Benavente C., Zerathe S., Wimpenny S., Aguirre E., Walker R., Grützner C., García B., Audin L., Combey A., Palomino A., Delgado F., Rodríguez-Pascua M., Cardenas J., Carcaillet J. Holocene Earthquakes on the Tambomachay Fault near Cusco, Central Andes. Tektonica.
A70 - Lemot F., Valla P.G., van der Beek P., Jagercikova M., Niedermann S., Carcaillet J., Sobel E.R., Andò S., Garzanti E., Robert X, Balvay M., Bernet M., Glodny J. Miocene cave sediments record topographic, erosional and drainage development in the Western European Alps. Earth and Planetary Science Letters
A69 - Zerathe S., Audin L., Robert R., Schwartz S., Carcaillet J., ASTER Team. Large landslide of the hyperarid Central Western Andes triggered during a humid period of the late Pleistocene (19°S ; northern Chile). Terra Nova.
A68 - Husson L., Salles T., Lebatard A-E., Zerathe S., Braucher R., Noerwidi S., Aribowo S., Mallard C., Carcaillet J., Natawidjaja D.H., Bourlès D., ASTER team. Javanese Homo erectus on the move in SE Asia ca. 1.8 Ma. Scientfic Reports.
A67 - Serra E., Magrani F., Valla P.G., Gribenski N., Carcaillet J., Egholm D. L. 2022. Lateglacial paleoglacier and paleoclimate reconstructions in the north-western Italian Alps. Quaternary Science Review
A66 - Zerathe S., Litty C., Blard PH, Delgado F., Audin L., Carcaillet J., Braucher R., ASTER Team. 2022 Cosmogenic 3He and 10Be denudation rates in the Central Andes : comparison with a natural sediment trap over the last 18 ka. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 599
A65 - Courtial-Manent L., Mugnier J-L, Zerathe S., Carcaillet J., Vassallo R., Ravanel L., Tavernier L., Buoncristiani J-F. 2022. Late Holocene initiation of a deep rock slope failure in an Alpine valley revealed by 10Be surface exposure dating (Chamonix, France). Quaternary international. 652, 52-62
A64 - Roattino T., Buoncristiani JF., Crouzet C., Vassallo R., Carcaillet J., Gribenski N., Valla P. 2022. Palaeogeographical reconstruction of the western French Alps foreland during the LGM using cosmogenic exposure dating. Quaternary research
A63 - Serra E., Valla P., Grinbenski N., Carcaillet J., Deline Ph. 2022. Post-LGM glacial and geomorphic evolution of the Dora Baltea valley (western Italian Alps). Quaternary Science Reviews. 282.
A62 - Lehmann B., Anderson R.S., Bodin X., Cusicanqui D., Valla P.G., Carcaillet J. 2022. Alpine rock glacier activity over Holocene to modern timescales (western French Alps). Esurf. 10, 605-633.
A61 - Noriega-Londoño S., Marín-Cerón M.I., Carcaillet J., Bernet M., Angel I. 2021. CRE Dating of Torrential Alluvial Deposits as an Approximation to Holocene Climate-Change Signatures in the Northwestern Andes of Colombia. In : Vilímek, V., Wang, F., Strom, A., Sassa, K., Bobrowsky, P.T., Takara, K. (eds) Understanding and Reducing Landslide Disaster Risk. WLF 2020. ICL Contribution to Landslide Disaster Risk Reduction. Springer, Cham.
A60 - Benjelloun Y., de Sigoyer J., Garambois S., Carcaillet J., Klinger Y. 2021. Segmentation and Holocene Behavior of the Middle Strand of the North Anatolian Fault (NW Turkey). Tectonics.
A59 - Angel I, Audemard F. Carcaillet J., Carrillo E. Rodriguez L. Revised cosmogenic nuclide chronology in teh Mucubaji area, Méride Andes (venezuela). Contribution for glacial and neotectonic knowledge. Revista de la Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad Central de Venezuela.
A58 - Gallach X., Perrette Y., Lafon D., Chalmin E., Deline P., Ravanel L., Carcaillet J., 2021. A new method for dating the surface exposure age of granite rock walls in the Mont Blanc massif by reflectance spectroscopy. Quatrernary Geochronology, 64.
A57/ - Noriega-Londoño S., Marín-Cerón M. I, Carcaillet J., Bernet M., Angel I. 2020. CRE dating of torrential alluvial deposits as an approximation of the Holocene climate-changes signatures in the Northwestern Colombian Andes. World Landslide Forum Journal.
A56 – Serra E., Valla P.G., Gribenski N., Guedes Magrani F., Carcaillet J., Delaloye R., Grobéty B., Braillard L. 2020. Geomorphic response to the Late-glacial - Holocene transition in high Alpine regions (Sanetsch Pass, Swiss Alps). Boreas.
A55 - Gallach X., Carcaillet J., Ravanel L., Deline P., Ogier C., Rossi M., Malet E., Garcia-Selles D. 2020. Climatic and structural controls on Late-glacial and Holocene rockfall occurrence in high-elevated rock walls of the Mont Blanc massif (Western Alps). Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
A54 - Voisine E., Rolland Y., Bernet M., Carcaillet J., Duclaux G., Bascou J., Sue C., Balvay M., Ménot R.-P. 2020. Thermochronology and Cosmogenic 10Be exposure dating of moraine boulders give insights into Palaeozoic to Quaternary erosion history of Terre Adélie (East Antarctica). Antarctic Science.
A53 - Delgado F., Zerathe S., Audin L., Schwartz S., Benavente C., Carcaillet J., Bourlès D., ASTER Team. 2020 Giant landslide triggerings and paleoprecitipations in the Central Western Andes : The Aricota rockslide dam (south Peru). Geomorphology, 350.
A52 - Prud’homme C., Vassallo R., Crouzet C., Carcaillet J., Mugnier JL, Cortès Aranda J. 2019. Paired 10Be sampling of polished bedrock and erratic boulders to improve dating of glacial landforms : an example for the Western Alps. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.
A51 - Margirier A., Braun J., Gautheron C., Carcaillet J., Schwartz S., Pinna-Jamme R., Stanley J. R. 2019. Climate control on early Cenozoic denudation of the namibian margin as deduced from new thermochronological constraints. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 527.
A50 - Sarr A.C., Mugnier J.L., Abrahami R., Carcaillet J., Ravanel L. 2019. Sidewalls erosion : insights from in-situ produced 10Be concentrations measured on supraglacial clasts (Mont Blanc massif, France). Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.
A49 - Gallach X., Ravanel L., Egli M., Brandova D., Schaepman M., Christl M., Gruber S., Deline Ph., Pallandre F., Carcaillet J. 2018. Timing of rockfalls in the Mont Blanc massif (western Alps). Evidence from surface exposure dating with cosmogneic 10Be. Landslide, 15(10) 1991-2000.
A48 - Cortés-Aranda J.,Vassallo R., Jomard H., Mugnier J.L., Jouanne F., Manzoor Malik, Carcaillet J. 2018. Late Quaternary out-sequence- deformation in the innermost Kangra Reentrant, NW Himalaya of India : Seismic potential appraisal from 10Be dated fluvial terraces. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences.158, 140-152.
A47 - Abrahami R., Huyghe P., van der Beek P., Lowick S., Carcaillet J., Chakraborty T. 2018. Late Pleistocene - Holocene development of the Tista megafan (West Bengal, India) : 10Be cosmogenic and IRSL age constraints. Quaternary Science Review. 185, 69-90.
A46 - Leroy M., Deline Ph., Carcaillet J., Schimmelfennig I., ASTER Team. 2017. 10Be exposure dating of the timing of the Neoglacial glacier advances in the Ecrins-Pelvoux massif, French Alps. Quaternary Science Review. 178, 118-138.
A45 - Mugnier J.L., Vignon V., Jayangondaperumal R., Vassallo R., Malik M., Replumaz A., Srivastava, P., Jouanne F., Buoncristiani JF., Jomard H., Carcaillet J. 2017. A complex trust sequence in Western Himalaya : the active Medlicott Wadia Trust. Quaternary International. 462, 109-123.
A44 - Benavente C., Zerathe S., Audin L., Hall S.R., Robert X., Delgado F., Carcaillet J., Farber D., ASTER Team. 2017. Active transpressional tectonics in the Andean forearc of southern Peru quantified by 10Be surface exposure dating of an active fault scarp. Tectonics. 36.
A43 - Zerathe S., Blard P.H., Braucher R., Bourlès D., Audin L., Carcaillet J., Delgado F., Benavente C., 2017. ASTER Team. Toward the feldspar alternative for cosmogenic 10Be applications. Quaternary Geochronology. 41, 83-96.
A42 - Pousse Beltram L., Vassallo R., Audemard F., Jouanne F., Carcaillet J., Pathier E., Volat M. 2017 Pleistocene slip rates on the Boconó Fault along the North Andean Block plate boundary (Venezuela). Tectonics. 36(7), 1207-1231.
A41 - Lupker M., Lavé J.,France-Lanord C., Christl M., Bourlès D., Carcaillet J., Maden C. Wieler R., Rahman M. Bezbaruah D., Xiaohan I. 2017. 10Be systematics in the Tsangpo-Brahmaputra catchment : the cosmogenic nuclide legacy of the eastern Himalayan syntaxis. E-surf. 5(3), 429-449.
A40/ - Mouchene M., van der Beek P., Mouthereau F., Carcaillet J., 2017. Controls on Quaternary incision of the Northern Pyrenean foreland : chronological and geomorphological constraints from Lannemezan megafan, SW France. Geomorphology. 281, 78-93.
A39 - Schwartz S., Zerathe S., Jongmans D., Baillet L., Carcaillet J., Audin L., Dumont T., Bourlès B., Braucher R., Lebrouc V. 2017. Cosmic ray exposure dating on the large landslide of Séchilienne (Western Alps) : a synthesis to constrain the slope evolution. Geomorphology. 278, 329-344.
A38 - Angel I., Guzman O., Carcaillet J. 2017. Pleistocene glaciation in the Northern of the Tropical Andes, South America (Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador). 2017. Cuadernos de Investigacion Geografica. 43(2), 571-590.
A37 - Cortés-Aranda J., Mugnier J.L., Jouanne F., Vassallo R., Carcaillet J., Alam Awan .A. 2017. Holocene shortening rates and seismic hazard assessment for the frontal Potwar Plateau, NW Himalaya of Pakistan : Insights from 10Be concentrations on fluvial terraces in the Mahesian Anticline. Quaternary International. 462, 75-89.
A36/ - Vignon V., Mugnier J.L., Vassallo R., Srivastava P., Malik M.A., Jayangondaperumal R., Jouanne F., Buoncristiani J.F., Carcaillet J., Replumaz A., Jomard H. 2017. Sedimentation close to the active Medlicott Wadia Thrust (Western Himalaya) : How to estimate climatic base level changes and tectonics. Geomorphology. 284, 175-190.
A35/ - Angel I., Audemard F., Carcaillet J., Carrillo E., Beck C., Audin L. 2016. Deglaciation chronology in the Mérida Andes from cosmogenic 10Be dating (Gavidia valley, Venezuela). Journal of South American Earth Sciences. 71, 235-247.
A34/ - Abrahami R., van der Beek P., Huyghe P., Hardwick E., Carcaillet J., 2016. Decoupling of long-term exhumation and short-term erosion rates in the Sikkim Himalaya. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 433, 76-88.
A33/ - Guillon H., Mugnier J.L., Buoncristiani J. F., Carcaillet J., Godon C., Prud’homme C., van der Beek P., Vassallo R. 2015. Improved discrimination of subglacial and periglacial erosion using 10Be concentration measurements in subglacial and supraglacial sediment load of the Bossons glacier (Mont-Blanc massif, France). Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 40(9), 1202-1215.
A32/ - Vassallo R., Mugnier J.L., Vignon V., Malik M., Jayangondaperumal R., Srivastava P., Jouanne F., Buoncristiani J.F. , Carcaillet J. 2015. Distribution of the late-Quaternary deformation in Northwestern Himalaya. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 411(1), 241-252.
A31/ - Margirier A., Audin L., Carcaillet J., Schwartz S. 2014. Tectonic and climatic controls on the Chuquibamba landslide (Western Andes, Southern Peru). Earth Surface Dynamics, 2, 1129-1156.
A30/ - Stange K.M., van Balen R.T., Kasse C., Vandenberghe J., Carcaillet J. 2013. Linking morphology across the glacio-fluvial interface : A 10Be supported chronology of glacier advances and terrace formation in the Garonne River, northern Pyrenees, France. Geomorphology. 207, 71-95.
A29/ - Delunel R., van der Beek P.A., Bourlès D.L., Carcaillet J., Schlunegger F. 2013. Transient sediment supply in a high-altitude Alpine environment evidenced through a 10Be budget of the Etages catchment (French Western Alps). Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.
A28/ - Guzman O., Vassallo R., Audemard F., Mugnier JL, Oropezac J., Yepez S., Carcaillet J., Alvarado M., Carrillo E. 2013. 10Be dating of river terraces of Santo Domingo river, on Southeastern flank of the Mérida Andes, Venezuela : tectonic and climatic implications. South American Earth Sciences, 48, 85-96.
A27/ - Glotzbach C., Van der Beek P., Carcaillet J., Delunel R. 2013. Deciphering the driving forces of short-term denudation in glacially impacted landscapes, an example from the Western Alps. Journal of Geophysical Research, 18, 1-25.
A26/ - Carcaillet J., Angel I., Carrillo E., Audermard F.A., Beck C. 2013. Timing of the last deglaciation in the Sierra Nevada of the Mérida Andes, Venezuela. Quaternary Research, 80(3), 482-494.
A25/ - Angel I., Carrillo E., Carcaillet J., Audemard F., Beck C. 2013. Geocronología con el isótopo cosmogenico 10Be, aplicación para el estudio de la dinamica glaciar cuaternaria en la región central de los Andes de Mérida. Venezuelan Journal of Earth Sciences, 44, 73-82.
A24/ - Stange K. M., van Balen R., Carcaillet J., Vandenberghe J. 2013. Terrace staircase development in the Southern Pyrenees Foreland : Inferences from 10Be terrace exposure ages at the Segre River. Global and Planetary Change, 101, 97-112.
A23/ - Cossart E., Bourlès D., Braucher R., Carcaillet J., Fort M., Siame L. 2011 Glacier extents within Brianconnais Alps (southern French Alps) from the Last Glacial Maximum to the Holocene chronological synthesis. Geomorphologie - Relief Processus Environnement. (2), 123-142.
A22/ - Godard V., Lavé J., Carcaillet J., Cattin R., Bourlès D.L., Zhu J. 2010. Spatial distribution of denudation in Eastern Tibet and regressive erosion of plateau margins. Tectonophysics. 491(1-4), 253-274.
A21/ - Lebatard A.E., Bourlès D.L., Braucher R., Arnold M., Duringer P., Jolivet M., Moussa A., Deschamps P., Roquin C., Carcaillet J., Schuster M., Lihoreau F., Likius A., Taisso Mackaye H., Vignaud P., Brunet M. 2010. Application of the authigenic 10Be/9Be dating method to continental sediments : Reconstruction of a Mio- Pleistocene sedimentary sequence in the early hominid fossiliferous areas of the northern Chad. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 297(1-2), 57-70.
A20/ - Delunel R., van der Beek P. A., Carcaillet J., Bourlès D. L. Valla P. 2010. Frost-cracking control on catchment denudation rates : Insights from in-situ produced 10Be concentrations in stream sediments (Ecrins-Pelvoux massif, French Western Alps). Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 293(1-2), 72-83
A19/ - Cossart E., Fort M., Bourles D., Carcaillet J., Perrier R., Siame L., Braucher R. 2010. Climatic significance of glacier retreat and rockglaciers re-assessed in the light of cosmogenic dating and weathering rind thickness in Clarée valley (Briançonnais, French Alps). Catena. 80(3), 204-219.
A18/ - Valla P.G., van der Beek P.A., Carcaillet J. 2010. Dating bedrock gorge incision in the French Western Alps (Ecrins-Pelvoux massif) using cosmogenic 10Be. Terra Nova. 22(1), 18-25
A17/- Hippolyte J.-C., Bourlès D., Braucher R., Carcaillet J., Leanni L., Arnold M. Aumaitre G. 2009. Cosmogenic 10Be dating of a sackung and rock glaciers, in the Alps of Savoy (France). Geomorphology. 108(3-4) 312-320.
A16/ - Le Roux O., Schwartz S., Gamond J.-F., Jongmans D., Bourlès D., Braucher R., Mahamey W., Carcaillet J., Leanni L. 2009. CRE dating on the head scarp of a major landslide (Séchilienne, French Alps), age constraints on Holocene kinematics. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 280(1-4), 236-245
A15/ - Carcaillet J., Mugnier J.-L., Koçi R., Jouanne F. 2009. Uplift and active tectonics of southern Albania inferred from incision of alluvial terraces. Quaternary Research. 71, 465-476
A14/ - Saracco G., Thouveny N., Bourlès D., Carcaillet J. 2009. Extraction of non continuous orbital frequencies from noisy insolation data and from paleoproxy records of geomagnetic intensity using the phase of continuous wavelet transforms. Geophysical Journal International.
A13/ - Oveisi B., Lavé J., van der Beek P., Carcaillet J., Benedetti L., Aubourg C. 2009. Thick- and thin-skinned deformation rates in the central Zagros simple folded zone (Iran) indicated by displacement of geomorphic surfaces. Geophysical Journal International. 176(2), 627-654.
A12/ - Thouveny N., Bourlès D.L., Saracco G., Carcaillet J., Bassinot F. 2008. Paleoclimatic context of geomagnetic dipole lows and excursions in the Brunhes, clue for an orbital influence on the geodynamo ? Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 275, 269-284.
A11/ - Carcaillet J., Manighetti I., Chauvel C, Schlagenhauf A. Nicole JM. 2008. Identifying past earthquakes on an active normal fault (Magnola, Italy) from the chemical analysis of its exhumed carbonate fault plane. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 271, 145-158 2008.03.059
A10/ - Lebatard A.E., Bourlès D.L., Duringer P., Jolivet M., Braucher R., Carcaillet J., Schuster M., Arnaud N., Monié P., Lihoreau F., Likius A., Mackaye Taisso H., Vignaud P., Brunet M. Cosmogenic nuclide dating of Australopithecus bahrelghazali and Sahelanthropus tchadensis : Mio-Pliocene Hominids from Chad. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105(9), 3226-3231
A9/- Cossart E., Braucher R., Fort M., Bourlès D.L., Carcaillet J. 2008. Slope instability in relation to glacial debuttressing in alpine areas (Upper Durance catchment, southeastern France) : evidence from field data and 10Be cosmic ray exposure ages. Geomorphology, 95(1-2), 3-26. geomorph. 2006.12.022
A8/- Siame L., Chu H.T., Carcaillet J., Lu W.C., Bourlès D.L., Braucher R., Angelier, J. Dussoliez P. 2007. Glacial history of Nanhuta Shan (North-east Taiwan) from preserved glacial features : the cosmic ray exposure perspective. Quaternary Science Review, 26(17-18), 2185-2200.
A7/ - Carcaillet J., Siame L., Chu H.T., Bourlès D.L., Lu W.C., Dussoilez P. 2007. First cosmic ray exposure dating (in situ produced 10Be) of the late Pleistocene and Holocene glaciation in the Nanhutashan Mountains (Taiwan). Terra Nova, 19(5), 331-336.
A6/ - Pallàs R., Rodès A., Braucher R., Carcaillet J., Ortuño M., Bordonau J., Bourlès D.L., Vilaplana J.M., Masana E., Santanach P. 2006. The late Pleistocene and Holocene glaciation in the Pyrenees : A Critical review and new evidence from 10Be exposure ages, south-central Pyrenees. Quaternary Science Review, 25, 2937-2963.
A5/ - Leduc G., Thouveny N., Bourlès D., Blanchet C. L., Carcaillet J. 2006. Authigenic 10Be/9Be signature of the Laschamp excursion : a tool for global synchronization of paleoclimatic archives. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 245, 19-28.
A4/ - Thouveny N., Carcaillet J., Moreno E., Leduc G., Nérini D. 2004. Geomagnetic moment variation and paleomagnetic excursions since 400 ka BP : a stacked record of sedimentary sequences of the Portuguese margin. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 219, 377-396.
A3/ - Carcaillet J., Bourlès D.L. Thouveny N., Arnold M. 2004. A high resolution authigenic 10Be/9Be record of geomagnetic moment variations over the last 300 ka from sedimentary cores of the Portuguese margin. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 219, 397-412.
A2/ - Carcaillet J., Bourlès D.L., Thouveny N. 2004 Geomagnetic dipole moment and 10Be production rate intercalibration from authigenic 10Be/9Be for the last 1.3Ma. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystem, 5, n°5, 397-412. Q05006.
A1/ - Carcaillet J., Thouveny N., Bourlès D. L. 2003. Geomagnetic moment instability between 0.6 and 1.3 Ma from cosmonuclide evidence. Geophysical Research Letters, 30(15), 1792.

B5/ - Noriega-Londoño S., Marín-Cerón M. I, Carcaillet J., Bernet M., Angel I. 2020. CRE dating of torrential alluvial deposits as an approximation of the Holocene climate-changes signatures in the Northwestern Colombian Andes. World Landslide Forum Journal.
B4/ - Hantz D., Benedetti L., Bourlès D.L. Carcaillet J. 2012. Un modèle de recul des falaises pour valider les fréquences d’éboulement. Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et Géologie de l’Ingénieur. Bordeaux.
B3/ - Lebrouc V., Schwartz S., Baillet L., Jongmans D., Gamond JF, Carcaillet J., Le Roux O., Bourlès D., Braucher R. 2011 Caractérisation dynamique des mouvements gravitaires affectant la bordure sud du massif de Belledonne : apport des datations cosmogéniques 10Be et de la modélisation thermique. Journées ’Aléa Gravitaire’ (JAG-2011).
B2/ - Mugnier J.L., Carcaillet J., Chabreyrou J., Koçi R., Jouanne F. 2007. Tectonic, eustatic, and climatic controls of terrace development : the example of the Albanian terraces. Rapport d’activité OTAN Sciences for Peace.
B1/ - Cossart E., Braucher R., Fort M., Bourlès D., Carcaillet J. 2005. Les potentialités d’un croisement des datations cosmogéniques avec une approche géomorphologique. Application à la mise en évidence de la décompression post-glaciaire (Haut-Gyr, Massif des Ecrins). Environnements Périglaciaires, 12, 39-49.