Catherine ANNEN

I am a numerical Earth scientist working at the intersection between volcanology, petrology, and geophysics. I try to understand how magma chambers form, how magmas differentiate, and how magmatic systems work at the scale of the crust.


Catherine, Jeanne, Annen ISTerre, Université Savoie Mont-Blanc 73376 LE BOURGET DU LAC - CEDEX France Catherine.annen DIPLOMAS 2014 Habilitation to Direct Research, Laboratoire Magmas (…)

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Research Summary

I use numerical simulation and heat transfer computation to explore magmatic processes. I studied quantitatively the genesis of differentiated melts in deep hot zones, the relationship between (…)

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2020 Burgisser, A., Carrara, A., Annen, C. : Numerical simulations of magmatic enclave deformation. Journal of Volcanological and Geothermal Research.
2019 Biggs, J., and Annen, C., (…)

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Brief bio

I studied for a bachelor and and a master degree in Earth Sciences at University of Geneva (1992), where I also trained for a Postgraduate Certificate in Analysis and Management of Geological Risk (…)

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