Research interests

  • Seismic hazard with special interest in site effects
  • Ambient vibrations for site effects : nature, simulation, interpretation
  • Array processing methods
  • Seismic risk modeling in urban environment


Positions November 2019 - : Senior researcher at Institut de Recherche pour le Dévelopement (IRD) May 2004 - October 2019 : Researcher at Institut de Recherche pour le Dévelopement (IRD) April (…)

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Link to google scholar
Peer reviewed papers
2024 Youssef, E., C.. Cornou, D. Youssef Abdel-Massih, T. Al Bittar, A. Yong, F. Hollender, 2024. Application of non-stationary shear-wave (…)

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International training course SESARRAY (http://www.geopsy.org)
The main purpose of this course is to provide the necessary basic knowledge (theoretically as well as practically) to (…)

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Current projects Grenoble Alpes Institute of Risk and Resilience (2022-2015) ; co-PI IRN Neo-LIFE (2023-2026) : French-Lebanese international research group ; co-PI of the scientific activities in (…)

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PhD Houssam Al Jamal (2023-2026) Topic : Comprehensive seismic damage predictions at building scale in Beirut for a large magnitude earthquake on the Mount Lebanon thrust fault Advisors : C. (…)

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