Research interests

| Research interests | Codes and models |

Combining theory, simulations and laboratory experiments, I investigate fluid dynamics with a focus on planetary liquid cores. I thus consider magnetic fields, temperature variations, and weakly non-spherical fluid domains. I am particularly interested by the influence of the orbital forcings (tides, precession, libration) and topographic effects at the Core-Mantle-Boundary (CMB).

Planetary magnetic fields

Sketch of the Early Moon dynamo field
Paleomagnetic data from our ANR MagLune, led by J. Gattacceca, confirm the puzzling existence of a strong long-lived dynamo on the Early Moon.

The usual convection model is unable to explain these data : how the early lunar dynamo was then powered ?

My ERC project aims at studying a promising alternative scenario, based on precession of a non-spherical core.
Simulation of a precession-driven dynamo

Beyond the Early Moon issue, we have also shown that tides may have been large enough to participate to the Early Earth dynamo field (Landeau et al., Nature Rev., 2022). This could be critical as the convection model may be questioned by the large reported values of thermal conductivity.

Selected publications : Landeau et al., Nature Rev., 2022 | Vidal & Cébron, PRSA, 2021 | Cébron et al., GJI, 2019 | Le Bars et al. Nature, 2011

Planetary core waves

Compressible inertial mode
I study fluid waves which play a key role in planetary core dynamics. Their non-linear interaction can notably drive inertial instabilities, and bulk-filling turbulence.

Incidentally, imaging the flow in our ZoRo experiment requires us to implement a new velocimetry method based on acoustic waves (Su, 2020).

With J. Vidal, I have thus developed new tools to study core waves under the combined effects of rotation, magnetic fields, density variations & compressibility.

Selected publications : Triana et al., Survey Geophys., 2022 | Vidal & Cébron, PRSA, 2020 | Su et al., Eur. J. Mech. Fluids, 2020 | Vidal et al., A&A, 2019

Planetary core dissipation

Flow near a rough Core-Mantle Boundary
The Earth’s nutations and the lunar librations data constrain the respective dissipation in the fluid liquid of the Earth and the Moon. However, they both disagree with the latest models.

To try solving this issue, my ERC project aims at studying non-spherical cores with topographic effects. Turbulence will be addressed with laboratory experiments.
THEIA experiments

Selected publications : Cébron et al., JFM, 2021 | Cébron et al., GJI, 2019 | Vidal & Cébron, JFM, 2017

Magneto-hydrodynamics (MHD)

Simulation of a tides driven dynamo
Beyond planetary cores, I am interested by magneto-hydrodynamics in other contexts such as laboratory experiments or stars. I have thus collaborated with astrophysicists to investigate protostellar spin-down or massive binary stars.

I have also designed and published a study of a pedagogical MHD experiment for students : a MHD powered boat.

Selected publications : Vidal et al., A&A, 2019 | Cébron et al., PLOS ONE, 2017 | Bouvier & Cébron, MNRAS, 2015 | Stelzer et al., Phys. Fluids, 2015

Codes, scripts & models

Home Research PublicationsCommunications Outreach
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– COMSOL Multiphysics
I have developed various COMSOL models, simulating magnetic (…)

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