[Tuto] Créer votre propre page professionnelle

Here is a "short howto tutorial, version 1.0" :-)

There are for the stage of my knowledge, three possibilities for making your professionnal webpage inside ISTerre SPIP website, according your needs.

For a short webpage, purely textual, you can use the third field of "author’s page", the one where you put all your administrative infos (name, email address, etc.). Therefore your directory/annuaire page becomes your webpage. Pure text, no images, possibly some links, and only a pinch of topographic enhancement.

For a single webpage, you just need to make an article in the "Member Web Pages"/"Pages web du personnel" zone ("section"/"rubrique" 96). It will not stay there, but for starting, that’s okay. Later, I will create your own zone (or "rubrique" or "section" ; you can see this as a directory), move your article there, and offer you full administrative rights in this yours home : happy spiping !

For a full website with several pages, documents, etc., I will directly open you your own "rubrique/section" zone as a sub-zone of the "Member Web Pages"/"Pages web du personnel" zone ("section"/"rubrique" 96). Then you’ll start with a first page exactly as if it would have to stay alone, which is the preceeding case.

Let’s for the moment consider the simple creation of a single page, which is named "article" in SPIP language. The procedure is the following :

  • You connect yourself to the "green" side of the ISTerre site (the one where you can modify stuff ; you need loging in & passwording).
  • Go to section/rubrique 96 "Member Web Pages"/"Pages web du personnel" (a section/rubrique just the level below "Staff directory"/"Annuaire") : here "http://isterre.fr/ecrire/ ?exec=naviguer&id_rubrique=96". Eventually, we would have to move further to your own zone ("rubrique").
  • Click on the "Write a new article" button, lower in the page.
  • Enter your "Birthname Familyname" as the title.
  • Enter your main professionnal quality or expertise or whatever the best as a short description of you in the "Brief description" rectangle (typically nt more than a few hundreds of characters, which will make not more than two to three text lines).
  • Enter your professionnal webpage in the text zone. We’ll see another time how to do more or less complex things there, but for a start, you can practice like this : first type in the text you need. Then add images and documents you want to put in this page, using the left-side dialog. Once a document is entered, you get in return a reference and a few alternative codes for how to insert it in the page, either as a visible stuff, or as an icon for downloading. Images, and annexion of PDFs, doc, xls, etc. documents are legible.

 NOTE : you’ll make the mistake at least once, but do know that if you leave the page WITHOUT "SAVING", you WILL mostly LOOSE ALL YOUR LAST INPUTs or CHANGES ! Quite surely. However, you can use the preview button, which is not a true website view, but permits a few adjustments. However, DON’T "BACK" to re-edit, OR YOU WILL LOOSE THE CHANGES. (Save, eventually). Click back on the "Edit" button !

A latter step could be to draw links toward other pages, inside ISTerre site, ou outside.

When you save modifications, you return to the article administration page. For the moment, don’t use the translation system ; I don’t master it at all, and there is a simplier alternative way, much more effective to my opinion (the "<multi>" flag system — stuff for another howto mail).

  • Note the ID number of the created article. This will serve you for linking it from other places. Its URL is "http://isterre.fr/article###.html" with ### the ID number of the article. But from inside ISTerre SPIP, it can simply be linked by :
    [blabla -> art###]
    and even simpler, in your personal directory/annuaire form, at the "Your site’s URL", just enter "art###" (without the quotes) and of course, replacing "###" with the true ID article number !
  • Finally, because articles need to be approved by an administrator before being publicly visible, please email me a word for such (or to another admin, such as Nathanael, Rodolphe, etc.). (Note thath the interest of having your own personnal zone is that, inside it, you are the administrator !
  • And that’s it.

Short addition about "section"/"rubrique" (I’ll further use only the frecnh "rubrique" word) : though these are a kind of directory, they can have a few properties attached to them : a title, an icon, and of cours, a brief description and an explanatory text. These can make the rubrique, a web page by itself. In which case, you can link to it by using its ID number with the "rub" shortname as prefix. Such as in
[Geochemistry 4D -> rub54]
which is the magical formula to link to our own team zone !
From outside ISTerre SPIP, you’ll link with a classical URL
with ### to be replaced by the rubrique ID number

If, during practice, anything appears you somewhat obscur, thanks for noting it and sending the author a tweet... oups ! an email, so he can improve this "howto" for the benefit of future readers.