A 2.5 magnitude earthquake in the Chamrousse area

An earthquake of magnitude 2.5 on the Richter scale was recorded on Wednesday evening, January 23rd in the region of Chamrousse and Livet-et-Gavet. The earthquake was recorded at 22:56 by the stations of SISMalp. Its epicentre is located a few kilometres north of Livet-et-Gavet. The phenomenon was felt by the population of the sectors of Vizille, Séchilienne, Chamrousse, but also in Uriage, Brié-et-Angonnes and Eybens. However, no damage was reported.
Screenshot of the SISMalp website

***The press talks about it

 Le Dauphiné Libéré - Isère Sud, le 24/01/2019
 Place Gre’net, le 25/01/2019