DOMOSCAN project : hydrothermal system of la Soufrière volcano

***Dynamic quantification and spatio-temporal imaging of the hydrothermal system of la Soufrière volcano, Guadeloupe.

Duration : 2009 - 2013
Contact at ISTerre : Olivier Coutant
ISTerre research team involved : Waves and structures
External collaborations :
- Laboratoire Géosciences Rennes, CNRS UMR6118
- LPAT MESR EA4098)]
Figure : La Soufrière volcano situation on the
Guadeloupe Island (after Beauducel). Bottom
right, structural cross section A-C of La
Soufriere summit and lava dome that contain
the surface active of the hydrothermal system
(after Boudon et al, 2008)


The Domoscan project involves a number of innovative imaging techniques and a set of original measurements on the active areas of the Soufrière Volcano to quantify the time and space evolution of the hydrothermal system. Institutions participating to the project are the LGIT from Grenoble and Chambery, the Institut de Physique du Globe
from Paris, Geosciences Rennes and the University of Antilles and Guyane. A first part of the project is devoted to the construction of a structural tomographic model of the dome and of its basement. This involves an experimental task with new imaging methods (seismic imaging by noise correlation, cosmic muon tomography) and the modeling,
inversion and integration of all available geophysical data in a common tomographic model. A second part of the project concerns the detailled study of the dynamics the hydrothermal system of La Soufrière. Numerous physical and chemical methods will be used to perform continuous measurements during at least two years on and around the
most active areas located on the summit and at the base of the lava dome. Other more difficult measurements will be episodically performed during several days or weeks (e.g. wire mesh tomography, anemometry in acid gas).

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